Page 12 - Rana Sampson Issue (1)
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Coming to the United States from the Philip-
pines as a young girl, Dr. Tess was deter-
mined to make a difference. She attended KPBS PARTNERS WITH
the University of California, San Diego, and
managed to graduate Summa Cum Laude. UNION BANK TO CELEBRATE
Acceptance to Stanford for her medical
degree presented a dilemma for this family CULTURAL DIVERSITY
oriented young woman. “I was thrilled to be San Diegans Honored As Local Heroes
accepted but I was, and still am, so close to
my family that the thought of going away to As part of its ongoing
school was tough. My mom told me that I commitment to cultural
could not turn down the opportunity to obtain diversity, Union Bank
this level of education so she made the deci- has again partnered
sion for me.” Dr. Tess still found herself com- with KPBS to continue
ing home on weekends and feeling home- the Cultural Diversity
sick during the school year. However the Partnership, a year-long
problem soon diminished when she met her program designed to cel-
future husband, Dr. James Lee, at Stanford ebrate local heroes who
Medical School, and together they made are making a difference
detailed plans for their future. They were to enrich the lives of oth-
ers. The 2011 expanded
married at the Chapel on campus after her program will recognize
second year in medical school and Dr. Tess and pay tribute to 16
gave birth to her first child 2 months before San Diegans – active
graduation. “We had a time frame in mind, members of the com-
knowing both of us would be so busy with munity who are making
our medical training that if we didn’t start our a difference by improving
family right away it would be quite a while their workplace, profession, neighborhood, community, region and the world.
before I would be able to take time away The program kicked off with Black History Month in February and Women’s History
to do so.” Dr. Tess took her medical boards Month in March. The 2011 Black History Month Local Heroes are: Theophilus Alonzo
while in her final months of pregnancy. With Logan and wife Martha Nash Logan and Veverly Anderson. The 2011 Women’s History
Month Local Heroes are: Kathi Anderson and Barbara Bry.
a husband and new baby in tow, Dr. Tess Throughout the year, honorees will also be identified during Jewish American Heritage
and Dr. James were determined to return to Month (May), Asian Pacific American Heritage Month (May), Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual,
San Diego so they could be near their close Transgender Pride Month (June), Hispanic Heritage Month (September/October), Dis-
knit family. “I applied to only one dermatol- ability Awareness Month (October) and American Indian Heritage Month (November).
12 ogy residency program, which is crazy in The year-long celebration of diversity will culminate in January 2012, at an event where
such a competitive field with thousands of
recipients will be formally recognized as part of the 14th Annual Local Heroes Awards,
applicants. There were only two spots open which Union Bank sponsors.
at UCSD in dermatology, but I didn’t care. I For each heritage month, KPBS and Union Bank are requesting community nomina-
believed that I belonged back in San Diego, tions. You may visit to submit a nomination.
and if I didn’t get accepted I would worry The two women presented with this honor were Kathi Anderson and Barbara Bry.
about it then. At least I would be back home Combining her bachelor’s and master’s degrees in international relations and counsel-
with my family.” Not only did Dr. Tess garner ing, Kathi Anderson serves as the executive director and co-founder of Survivors of
the coveted spot, but her husband applied Torture, International (SURVIVORS). SURVIVORS is a non-profit agency that as-
for his residency in anesthesiology at UCSD sists survivors of politically motivated torture, educates the public about the effects of
as well and he too was accepted. A die hard torture and works towards the abolition of torture. Ms. Anderson also contributes to the
San Diegan, Dr. Tess was so happy to be San Diego community as a board member of the Lutheran Immigration and Refugee
back home. She recently planted her roots Service, the San Diego Young Adult Symphony and the National Consortium of Torture
even deeper, opening up a second office Treatment Programs. She has also served on the national board of directors of Am-
in downtown La Jolla, so she can offer her nesty International USA.
services to women throughout the county. Barbara Bry is an entrepreneur who uses her passion and business savvy to level the
playing field for women and girls, especially in conventionally male fields. Her truly in-
The future is bright for Dr. Tess with plans spiring contributions have emanated from her involvement with non-profit organizations
in place for a talk show that is going to be and the San Diego community. Ms. Bry is responsible for the foundation of San Diego
televised in September. Dr. Tess believes in Athena, the leading organization for local women in the technology and life sciences
the power of TV to educate and inspire and fields. She also supports her community by contributing to organizations such as Voice
will surely be sharing the latest innovations of San Diego, CONNECT, Run Women Run, Planned Parenthood, San Diego’s Jewish
in dermatology via this medium. Women’s and Community foundations, Rotary Club 33 and Women Give San Diego.
“I feel very grateful that I can do what I love.
It is so rewarding being able to help my “Union Bank is very proud of its expanded partnership with KPBS,” said Pierre P. Habis,
patients to achieve their desired goal to look senior executive vice president and head of Community Banking at Union Bank. “The
and feel better about themselves. I feel so Local Heroes program has grown to reflect the vibrant and diverse communities we
fortunate that I can help make an impact on serve, and we are delighted to again partner with KPBS as we recognize the achieve-
ments of these outstanding individuals who have contributed so much to the San Diego
how people feel about themselves on a daily community.”
basis. Women come to me after a divorce
or survival of cancer or sometimes just to “Year after year, KPBS has had the pleasure of partnering with Union Bank to meet
get ready for their children’s weddings. I feel and honor extraordinary individuals who live in our community,” said Tom Karlo, KPBS
special to be part of their lives and that I can general manager. “KPBS is proud to profile the honorees on all our media because
make them feel their best whatever stage their stories are inspiring and remind us of the local heroes who make a positive differ-
they are in their lives.” ence in our diverse neighborhoods.”
March/April 2011