Page 7 - Rana Sampson Issue (1)
P. 7


                                                Vessa Rinehart-Phillips Joan Stevens
                                                Vessa is the author of two   Joan is a retired kindergarten   OGRAPHER  Lisa K Miller
                                                books . The Opening, The   teacher, originally from New   Photography by Lisa K
                                                Third Eye and The Spiritual   York, who lives in Carmel
                                                Coloring Book for Children.   Valley with her husband.    Lisa is the owner of Photogra-
       Robert Tussey       Rob Weinberg         She is the director of the   She keeps in touch with her   phy by Lisa K, a custom portrait
                                                Intuitive Insights, an intuitive   creative side by writing poetry   studio located in Rancho
        Robert has been a   Rob is president of The Mar-  school.     and memoirs, as well as mak-  T  Penasquitos, specializing in
        published writer for over   ketBuilding Team, has written   Vessa presents Spiritual   ing jewelry.    the highest quality portraiture.
        thirty years and has been   two books on marketing, and   Abilities and Practical Intuition   Joan has two children who   HO  As the mother of twins, Lisa
        providing editing services   authors a free marketing   seminars across the country   live in Los Angeles, her son   shines at capturing moments in
        for the past twenty-five.  As   advice column called Ask Mr.   and has a center in San Di-  a screen writer and daughter   pregnancy and early life. She
        a musician he has written   Marketing. You can subscribe   ego, California.  She has her   who is studying to be a mar-  P  shares her talents with many
        scores of songs.  His life   to his free marketing newslet-  own television series, “The   riage and family counselor.    local charities by volunteering
        has revolved around his   ter at www.marketbuilding.  Intuitive Insight & Alterna-  She stays one step ahead of   her  photographic services.
        music and writing, often   com.         tive Healing Show,” and has   the aging process by keeping
        melding the two into articles           been a guest on talk radio   her sense of humor.
        and interviews.                         programs. For more informa-
                                                tion visit her website at www.

                           Diane Netter
                            Diane lives in Escondido                                                                   San Diego  Woman
                            with her two teenagers, two   Sudi Moein, M.D.,  F.A.C.O.G.,
                            dogs and 4 birds.  Her pas-              Shelli Chosak, Ph.D.
       Erin Pistilli        sions include riding horses   Sudi Moein, M.D.,    Shelli has been active in the
                            and playing piano. She has               field of Organizational Consult-
       Erin is a freelance writer   lived in several states and   F.A.C.O.G., is the founding   ing and Psychotherapy for the
       living in Escondido.  She is   spent a year as an exchange   physician of the Women’s In-  past 25 years, and holds a
       a mother of two and a part-  student in Germany.   In   tegrative Center for Obstetrics   Ph.D. in Organizational Psy-
       time keeper at Seaworld.    2007 her family’s lives were   and Gynecology (WICOG)   chology. She has been listed   Zori Mustin Bragg
                                                in Poway and Hillcrest. An
       Erin has a degree in English   changed forever when a         in Who’s Who in America,
       from Cal State Fullerton and   devastating wildfire burned   award-winning surgeon,   and Who’s Who in American   Zori has written for publica-
       has a passion for reading   their beautiful home to the   she advocates integrative   Women  tions on the East and West
       and writing.  She enjoys   ground.  She still mourns the   medicine: inspired by her  Coasts.  She holds a bach-
       exploring all of the wonder-  loss of her previous life but   own in-depth journey through   elor’s degree in English
                                                a woman's mind, body,
       ful places San Diego has to   has found renewed joy in                             from Chestnut Hill College
       offer with her family  writing and riding.  and spirit, Dr. Sudi brings            in Philadelphia and enjoys
                                                together information from
                                                                                          writing about life as an
                                                many disciplines in order to              adoptive parent and military
                                                comprehensively understand                spouse.  Her other passion
                                                and improve women’s health                is fiber arts and she is an
                                                and well-being.                           award-winning art quilter.
                                                                                          Now find us on:

                                                                     Deanna Bates
                                                                     Deanna has been an educator
                                                                     in the San Diego area for over
        Ashley Gaudet       Leslie Hodge                             twenty years.  She currently
       Ashley is a hairstylist   While in job search mode,           teaches third grade.
       working in north county.   Leslie has written articles        In midlife, she has returned to
                                                                     her first love - writing.  She is
       She enjoys traveling,   for local publications, com-  Kendra Woolley  working on a series of poems
       reading,  educating her   pleted a children's book, and       and stories based on her life
       clients and is working on   is currently working on her   Kendra has combined her two   experiences.
       a BA in communications.  first novel, a family saga set   great loves: writing and travel-  Deanna resides with her hus-
                            in the 1930's.  She resides   ing into her ultimate passion   band, teenage daughter, and
                            in San Diego with her won-  of travel writing. Having been   three very spoiled pets, all of
                                                                     whom provide her with endless
                            derful husband, teen-aged   an international traveler since   writing inspiration!
                            daughter and miniature   the very beginning of her exis-
                            dachshund.          tence, Kendra prides herself on
                                                her endless desire to see the
                                                world and meet all those that    
                                                inhabit it.                      
                                                       March/April 2011
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