Page 9 - Rana Sampson Issue (1)
P. 9

Jeana Wallace                                 Women Mean Business

                           Opprime'- Making a Difference One Client at a Time

                          Opprime’ Investments, Inc. and Opprime’ Insurance Services
                                                                                                     By Stacey Penney

       Opprime’ (pronounced op-pre-may) is a French term for “underdog”.   designation that included conquering such topics as health care
       We all root for the underdog: the independent company that stands   reform, workers compensation and portfolio development.  She
       up to the big corporate names.  Opprime’ is just that company.   maintains a competitive edge in the insurance industry by continu-
       When you contact them, they will take the time to learn who you are   ing to expand her education and staying current with the evolving
       and will work with you to find the best solutions for your business or   business and health insurance changes and requirements.
       personal insurance needs.
                                                                Jeffrey brings a wealth of knowledge and experience, along with
       Women are fantastic at  multi-tasking, but when running a business,   an infectious personality to Opprime’. He holds a Masters degree
       we have to be smarter with our time and resources. Do we have the   in Health Service Administration along with multiple insurance
       time, talent and current knowledge to act as our own HR depart-  licenses. He also has extensive managed care experience, deliver-
       ment? Is there a better solution to address these needs? Look to   ing significant growth to all business in which he has been involved.
       Opprime’ where they focus on the small business market of San Di-  Jeffrey is also an active board member with the Alliance Healthcare
       ego.  With benefit costs sky rocketing, along with the challenges of   Foundation.
       launching and running a small business, Opprime’ sought to fulfill a
       need to act as an external human resource and benefits department   The team at Opprime’ finds balance by being actively involved in
       to business owners by providing insurance, investment, marketing,   their community and local philanthropic efforts. Jeana has been
       and alternative business management consulting services.  involved with It’s All About the Kids, Party for a Purpose, 6 Degrees
                                                                Networking, DNA Diva Networking, My CCMPRO Networking, and
       As your business grows                                                                          most recently
       and your needs expand,                                                                           Club Dust; an
       Opprime’ will take the time                                                                      organization
       to understand your chang-                                                                        building homes
       ing business model, your                                                                         for extremely
       specific needs, and think                                                                        poor families
       outside the box to negotiate                                                                     in the border
       the best insurance options                                                                       towns of Tijuana
       from a variety of carriers.                                                                      and Tecate. Her   San Diego
       This boutique approach also                                                                      involvement      Woman
       provides services such as a                                                                      doesn’t end
       dedicated account manager,                                                                       there; she also
       open and new employee                                                                            gives her time,
       enrollment support and pro-                                                                      along with Jef-  9
       cessing (along with termina-                                                                     frey, to the Feed-
       tion processing and COBRA                                                                        ing the Homeless
       assistance).                                                                                     program based
                                                                                                        out of the down-
       At the forefront of Opprime’                                                                     town Salvation
       is Jeana Wallace, Vice                                                                           Army. To date,
       President of Operations of                                                                       they have served
       Opprime’ Insurance Service,                                                                      over 7,500 meals
       while Jeffrey Willmann,                                                                          to those in need.
       President and CEO, special-                                                                      Jeffrey is also a
       izes in accelerated value                                                                        “raving fan” of
       add and business maximiza-                                                                       Just in Time for
       tion for Opprime’s clients.                                                                      Foster Youth,
       This team brings almost 40                                                                       Bayside Commu-
       years of industry and leader-                                                                   nity Center, and
       ship experience, qualifications, and results to serve your business   anything that helps raise awareness and solutions for the homeless
       and individual needs.                                    in San Diego.
       Opprime’, formed in 2002 with Jeana joining the company in 2005,   Let Opprime’ take care of you and your employees, so you can
       has added significant value through non-traditional insurance solu-  take care of your business.  Opprime’ specializes in non-traditional
       tions for individuals and business owners.  Jeana has worked hard   options and offers all lines of insurance for you and your business,
       to maintain a greater than 98% customer retention rate.  This shows   with a special focus on individual and employee benefits, as well as
       that they not only implement a strategy but also service it long term.    strategic relationship and business development consulting.
       “Our relationships extend far beyond just being your insurance
       provider”, says Jeana Wallace.                           You can reach Jeana and Opprime’ at 858.699.0286,
                                                      , or visit them at
       Jeana recently received her Health Insurance Professional (HIP)
                                                                                                            (continued pg 12)
                                                        March/April 2011
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