Page 19 - Tracy Anderson Issue
P. 19

benefit to them. Dr. Reese clarified, “More often than not the solution to a   Along with her great passion to help those with terminal diagnoses, she
         patient’s problem involves more than just popping a pill.  Most of the time   takes much pride in helping to bring new life into the world.  Dr. Reese
         a lifestyle change is necessary and this isn’t always easy.  So it is always   is a trained midwife but limits her practice currently to fertility work.  She
         more likely to be successful if the patient clearly understands why this   employs such things as bio-identical hormones (made from wild yams)
         change has to be made and what the benefits of it will be to their future   to help her patients who are not becoming pregnant due to hormone
         health and lifespan.”                                  imbalances.  Dr. Reese treats both husband and wife in helping them
                                                                to conceive and will sometimes provide the husband with supplements
         With a full service practice, Dr. Reese has a team of professionals work-  which help increase sperm count and will even suggest a change of
         ing alongside of her who help to make LotusRain, the one stop Naturo-  environment to help increase the chances of success: A prescription for a
         pathic clinic regardless of what your needs are.  Some of the services   visit to a hotel is not unheard of as part of her treatment.  Dr. Reese has
         provided include; full Primary Care, IV Nutrition, Infrared Sauna, Addiction   had much success and currently has two patients who gave up on their
         services, Diet and Nutrition, Hydrotherapy, Hormone Balance, Genetic   hopes of getting pregnant after multiple tries in their twenties and thirties,
         and SIBO testing.  And this is not the complete list.    but are now in their late forties and anxiously awaiting the births of their
         One of Dr. Reese’s primary desires is to help Cancer patients, especially
         when they are told there is little to no hope and it is probably best that   Dr. Reese and LotusRain Naturopathic Clinic enjoy celebrating the lives
         they get their affairs in order. This is one diagnosis that Dr. Reese will   of their patients, and they do so each year at their annual event, their
         not take lightly.  “We often work along with our patients while they are   Client Appreciation Open House.  All of the Lotus family vendors and
         going through chemo and radiation.  We help to protect target organs,   community partners attend.  There is music and healthy food donated by
         like the kidneys, liver and heart.  We put them on lifestyle changes.  We   many local markets and restaurants. The main focus of this event is the
         will often provide IV Infu-                                                                Celebration for
         sions with high doses of                                                                   Cancer Conquerors.   San Diego
         Vitamin C and Artemisia                                                                    “This is when we     Woman
         (sweet worm wood) and                                                                      acknowledge all of
         hydrogen peroxide. We                                                                      our Cancer survivors
         have had some huge                                                                         publicly.  Their fami-
         success stories. We are                                                                    lies and friends attend   19
         getting clear PET scans                                                                    and it is a wonderful
         six months earlier than                                                                    day of giving thanks.”
         historically found.   We                                                                   The open house this
         currently have patients                                                                    year is Friday 11-11-
         who were told to get their                                                                 16.
         affairs in order and have
         been our patients now for                                                                  So what is in the
         8, 10 and even 12 years.                                                                   future for Dr. Kristine
         The lifestyle change is                                                                    Reese and LotusRain
         not easy, but they are                                                                     Naturopathic Clinic?
         alive, they get to see their                                                               "I am very excited
         grandchildren grow up,                                                                     to announce that in
         and, they take month long                                                                  September,  Dr Reese
         trips to Italy.  It is very                                                                radio show will begin
         rewarding helping to give                                                                  on Voice of America.
         back one of the most pre-                                                                  More teaching is in
         cious commodities to our                                                                   the plan, I currently
         patients, that of time.”                                                                   work with doctors and
                                                                                                    nurses at Sharp
         Dr. Reese, still loves                                                                     Hospital.  One of the
         teaching, and does much                                                                    most exciting changes
         of that as a Naturopathic                                                                  that I have experi-
         Doctor.  She teaches at                                                                    enced is that we are
         Bastyr University where                                                                    seeing a marriage
         she educates doctors,                                                                      between Eastern and
         women’s groups, elemen-                                                                    Western medicine.
         tary schools, high schools, and church groups by sharing the value of   The medical profession has matured to a point where most professionals
         Naturopathic Medicine. She has seen (in current years) that many people   realize that combining the best of both worlds provides the best outcome
         are fed up with symptom-based treatment. Patients want to know more   for our patients.  It is exciting to be a part of this enlightenment.”
         and Dr. Reese is happy to provide this information to her patients.
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