Page 3 - Tracy Anderson Issue
P. 3

Six Figures

             MOMS MAKING IT

             HAPPEN AT HOME

                                                                                                                       San Diego

             Jennifer Becker shares a story that                                                                         Woman
             many mom’s can easily relate to –

               “I worked hard to have a successful career, but                                                        3
             after having children the corporate world was no
             longer appealing to me.  The late hours, travel,
             and being away from my two young daughters
             was breaking my heart. I felt I was missing out
             on significant mile stones and no one could fill
             the role of “mommy” while I was away. I prayed
             for an option to replace my income yet have a
             flexible schedule, I started to give up hope and
             figured something like that simply didn’t exist for moms like me.   We’ve developed a business model that requires
             Shortly after, I came across Mom’s Making Six Figures and I   no overhead, no inventory and no selling.
             assumed maybe it was a support group for mom’s who had
             to work outside the home. I met with Founder Heidi                                  ~ Heidi Bartolotta, Owner
             Bartolotta and discovered Mom’s Making Six Figures is
             a marketing company that allows women to work from
             home and either replace or supplement their income,          Can a mother really stay at home and make six figures?
             I left our meeting feeling like she was the answer I       Heidi Bartolotta, President and owner of Mom’s Making
             had been praying for! Reaching out and deciding to         Six Figures, says the answer is definitely yes! We don’t
             partner with Mom’s Making Six Figures has been one of     sell anything and we are not your traditional home-based
             the best decisions I have ever made, my life has changed   business, we’ve developed a business model that requires no
             significantly from volunteering in my daughter’s kindergarten class,  overhead, no inventory and no selling. Sound too good to be true?
             attending school field trips, taking my 3 year old to weekly gymnastics  Simply visit and submit a request
             classes and spending Saturday mornings on the soccer field, all while  for more information. A professional mentor will contact you and
             earning a significant income around my family’s schedule.”  help you get started.
                                                                                        Cedar City Magazine  |  December/January 2014    1
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