Page 7 - Tracy Anderson Issue
P. 7
Robert Tussey Carol LeBeau Pamela Waller-Niven Gerald Neff Debbie Storms Dr. Sanam Hafeez
Robert has been a Carol LeBeau spent Pamela Waller-Niven is a With more than 40 Debbie has enjoyed many
published writer for close to 30 years as a poet, freelance writer and years living and work- careers from accountant Dr. Sanam Hafeez is an
appointed faculty member
over thirty years and beloved fixture on San entrepreneur. Pam's love ing in South America in to air traffic controller.
has been providing Diego News. Today of art led to her to write the agriculture and for- She believes life is an at Columbia University’s
PhD program in Clinical
editing services for she is enjoying her "Interpretive Verses" for estry business, topped adventure to be lived to
the past twenty-five. retirement, as well as paintings by San Diego off with 25 years in its fullest. Growing up in Psychology and a New
York City based Neuro-
As a musician, he a second career as an artists featured in their gal- the U.S. Embassy and New Jersey, she learned
has written scores of in demand speaker at lery shows. She has a BA Peace Corps.His writ- life skills to help her psychologist. She has
written and presented
songs. His life has functions throughout in International Business ing experience includes practice that credo. Her several papers on various
revolved around his San Diego. In addition from SDSU. Pam is work- local publications and passion for travel has
music and writing, to her many speaking ing on two poetry books, a years of U.S. Embassy taken her to many parts aspects of develop-
ment, learning problems,
often melding the engagements, Carol cook book and developing reports; so sit back and of the world. She is now
two into articles and is a columnist for San her line of greeting cards enjoy the ride. focusing on writing about behavior modification and
Post Traumatic Stress
interviews. Diego Woman speak- and t-shirts. Contact her at her travels and interview- Disorder. She frequently
ing about life after her ing entertainers, which is appears on CNN and on
news career. a great combo! Dr. Oz.
Deeba Van Overberghe Ronnie Blair Marsha Friedman Laura Chavarín Pamela Herrmann and Patty Dominguez
Daughter of an artist, Ronnie Blair is Marsha Friedman is a San Diego native, Laura Pamela Herrmann and Patty Dominguez cofounded
CREATE Buzz (, an online
Deeba grew up with Senior Creative public relations expert Chavarín, teaches Spanish San Diego
the influence of art all Director at EMSI with 25 years’ experi- in North County. Her training experience that helps business owners and their Woman
employees get powerful, positive and practical customer
around her. Deeba has Public Relations. ence developing publicity passions are cooking, travel engagement habits that build loyalty. Herrmann and
dedicated the last 14 EMSI strategies for celebrities, and writing. (Not necessar- Dominguez co-host the Customers For Life podcast and
years to refining her Public Relations corporations and media ily in that order) She has The Morning Would Show, providing daily motivation. In
artistic talents and abili- (www.emsincor- newcomers alike. She is lived in Mexico and taught
ties in Fine and Decora-, is founder and CEO of EMSI in China and Costa Rica. addition, Pamela is author of The Customer Manifesto.
tive Arts and Illustration. an award-winning Public Relations (www. Laura is a freelance writer
She has illustrated national agency., an who has been published in
books here in San award-winning national local publications and looks
Diego, painted murals as agency. Marsha has also forward to writing more now
far away as Indonesia served as the former that her children are grown.
and flown to places like senior vice president for
Wyoming and Hawaii for marketing at the American
Decorative Painting. Economic Council, Marsha
is a sought-after advisor on
PR issues and strategies.
She shares her knowledge
in her Amazon best-selling
book, Celebritize Yourself,
and as a popular speaker
at organizations around
the country.
Jan Ropes
Jan Ropes is a freelance San Diego
ast, her passions include Woman
writer and retired bilingual
educator, who spent her
career specializing in
second language acquisi-
tion. An exercise enthusi-
music, travel and being a
proud mom and grandma.
She currently lives in
Fallbrook, California, with
Jeff, her husband of forty-
three years
Dawn Nicoli Lisa K Miller
For over 20 years Dawn has Lisa is the owner of Photog-
owned and operated Nicoli raphy by Lisa K, a custom
Productions, an environmental portrait studio located in San
portrait studio, run out of her Diego, specializing in the high-
two acre property in Escondido. est quality portraiture. As the
Starting a new chapter of her life, mother of twins, Lisa shines
when serenity has become so at capturing moments in
important, Dawn spends her time pregnancy and early life. She
in her palapa tree house with her shares her talents with many
dog, Karma, exploring the world local charities
of writing.