Page 22 - The Holiday Issue San Diego Woman Magazine ballet 2018
P. 22

Women of Distinction

                      Kimberly Spreen-Glick

                       LEADING THE INSPIRED LIFE

                                               By Judith A. Habert

                                   later when a phone call from  continued taking classes   known as ‘the healthy way
                                   family brought her to the   until she could make it    of life company.’  I began
                                   small town of Waverly, Ohio   through the entire class.    working there as a personal
                                   near where her parents had   Within a few months, she   trainer teaching a couple
                                   moved.  "It was a devas-   went from being the least   of group fitness classes a
                                   tating call at the time.  My   likely person to working   week. A few months into
                                   mom had a heart attack,    in the health and fitness   that, I stepped into a group
                                   and I decided to pack up   industry to obtaining a job   fitness management role,
                                   and go to her first to help   working for Bally's Fitness,   then was asked to move to
                                   take care of her and then to   making less money than she  Dallas Texas where I became
                                   become her personal train-  did at the bank, but feeling   a Regional Training Special-
                                   er. I thought, how could I   better than she had in her   ist.”  In 2006, Kimberly’s star
                                   do what I do for a living and   entire life.  The change for   continued to rise as she was
                                   let my mom’s health fail 500   Kimberly was so profound   asked to step into the role of
                                   miles away?”               that she decided to pursue a  National Director of Group
                                      Growing up for Kimberly   career as a personal trainer.   Fitness and Yoga across
                                   hadn’t always been easy.      By the time Kimberly's   North America for the com-
                                   Overweight as a child, she   mom had her heart attack in   pany.  This position took her
                                   was ridiculed often which   1998, Kimberly had become   to Minneapolis Minnesota.
                                   led to a long-term battle   a very successful, sought-af-  “It was a great position, and
                                   with Anorexia and Bulimia   ter personal trainer and   I loved what I was doing. I
             ITHIN THE FIRST FIVE  starting at the age of 11.   group fitness instructor.   learned the corporate side
        Wminutes of speaking          After graduating high   She was eager to help her   of the business as well as
        with Kimberly Spreen-Glick,   school, Kimberly obtained   mom get back to a healthy   the creative side. I spent half
        I knew she was someone     a job with Citizens Bank   existence, and she accom-   of my time in meetings with
        special.  The more we talked   of Maryland.  A co-work-  plished this goal for Mom in   the executive team creating
        about her life and experi-  er at the time decided to   about a year. "This was one   spreadsheets and business
        ences the more this initial   take her under her wing.   of the best years of my life, I   plans but was still able to
        feeling was confirmed.     She knew that Kimberly’s   had the opportunity to live   express myself creatively
        Kimberly is one of those few   parents were out of State   with my older brother, Mi-  developing curriculum in
        people capable of making   and seeing how unhealthy   chael, and we became closer  professional development
        you feel better about your-  Kimberly appeared, sug-  than ever while I helped my   training for our instructors.
        self and your situation, even   gested she attend her   mom recuperate.”          In addition to this position, I
        if she doesn't even know   daughter’s Jazzercise® class.    Now that Mom was      traveled across North Ameri-
        you very well.             She declined several times   back on her feet, Kimberly   ca as well as to Australia,
           Born and raised in the   until she finally decided to   decided not to return to   China, and the UK present-
        D.C./Baltimore area in     give it a try.  “I only made it   Baltimore, but to move to a   ing at hundreds of profes-
        Maryland, Kimberly spent   through the first 19 mins of   city close to her family, but   sional fitness conferences. I
        her first 25 years on the  the hour-long class.  Some-  not as rural as Waverly.  "I   continue to present here in
        East Coast.  Her parents   thing clicked with Kimberly   chose Columbus Ohio, and   the US today, over 15 years
        relocated when Kimberly    though, and even though    it was here that my career   later.”  Pretty good for the
        graduated high school, but  she ached from the work-  would take off.  The year   girl that the kids had earlier
        she opted to stay behind   out, she had fallen in love   was 1999, and I started with   ridiculed.
        and not move along with    with the energy, the music,   a company known as Life     In 2011, Kimberly relo-
        them. It was only a few years  and the movement. She   Time Fitness.  They’re now   cated to Orange County,

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