Page 24 - The Holiday Issue San Diego Woman Magazine ballet 2018
P. 24

Women of Distinction

        shares plus I received over   us and label it as negative   doing.   The speaker at this   • In order to tap into your
        100 private messages from   or bad, but to me, it is just   event was no other than   inspiration, you need to
        women who were affected    contrast. It may be uncom-  Iyanla Vanzant who started   tap into your heart; so, a
        by it, and shared their own   fortable at the moment, but   out by saying that we are   daily spiritual practice is
        similar experiences.”      we can always take a step   here to be in service, we are   a MUST. It doesn't matter
           Kimberly actually had to   back and make something   here to lift each other up,   what it is or what it looks
        go back and read what she   good come of it.”         and that every morning we     like. It doesn't have to
        had posted, since it had just   “My mom growing up    should wake up thinking       take a long time each
        flowed onto the page effort-  used to always say “Rise and   ‘how can I serve others’.    day. You just need to find
        lessly.  After doing so and   Shine and if you don’t think   Kimberly adds, "In my head,   a way to quiet your mind
        reading all of the respons-  you can Shine Rise anyway”   I am giving her all these   and find a bit of ease
        es, Kimberly realized that   This may be simplified, but   mental high fives and felt   for yourself to allow the
        there were a lot of women,   I think women often feel if   good that she was validat-  impulses, thoughts, and
        whether showing on the     I can’t Shine then I’m not   ing everything I was doing.   inspiration to flow to you.
        surface or not, who were in   gonna Rise, but in con-  But she suddenly had this    They're always there - our
        pain and challenged with   sciously choosing to Rise   somber look on her face      minds are usually just
        self-acceptance. In addition   anyway, you will organically   and said: “But, don’t get me   too busy with clutter to
        to that, they were dealing   begin to shine.” Well, you   wrong…” (dramatic pause)  notice them...allow your-
        with contrast and challeng-  certainly can see where     "May my cup runneth        self to notice let
        es in their lives, in a way that   Kimberly gets her positive   over so I may give freely and   them in.
        didn't make them feel good   attitude and zest for life.    be in service...but, what's in   Thank you Kimberly
        about themselves.             Along with her new      the cup is mine and don't   Spreen-Glick, for helping
           “This event pushed me   passion The Inspired Life   you touch it!!"            women to appreciate and
        in a new direction leading   Tribe she still teaches group   Kimberly went on to   love themselves for who
        me to a project called The   fitness and yoga classes,   share her three biggest   they are and not for who
        Inspired Life. I did a quick   because as she notes, “I love   lessons that she wanted to   society thinks they should
        pop up Facebook group      it and would do it for free.”  share with our readers.  be.
        called The Inspired Life Tribe   Of course, I had to ask   • If you want to make a   Kimberly is currently
        and let all the women who   her for suggestions to help   positive impact on the   in the process of filming
        had commented on my post   women succeed in their        lives of other people,   a 21-Day Challenge for
        know that I had created a   chosen field, and she said   your work is first to make   women called, "Fierce, Fit &
        safe place to come together   that the number one thing   a positive impact on    Fully Inspired." Because the
        and support one another.”  she would tell them is to     yourself. In other words,   Inspired Life is about em-
           Since this revelation,   ‘make yourself a priority.'    take care of YOU as a top   powering women through
        Kimberly has shifted her   Kimberly first took note of   priority - you just can't   movement and mindset,
        focus and is now most pas-  the importance of doing so   give from an empty cup!  this on-demand challenge
        sionate about helping em-  while at an event back in   • Instead of hunting for   incorporates you
        power women to live their   2006.                        motivation which often   can have a bit of inspiration
        most Inspired Life. "This     “I was at the height of my   leads to hard work, which  to go with your perspiration.
        entails making several con-  career, busy giving to the   then leads to depletion,  Its planned release is in
        scious choices during the   job and others with no time   choose inspiration which  mid-December so go to the
        day to view their life from   for myself, but I felt this was   leads instead to inspired  site at www.inspiredlifeinc.
        the inside out. We often take  my role as a servant leader,   action, which then leads  com/fierce-fit-fully-inspired
        a situation that happens to   this was what I should be   to fulfillment.         for more information.

        For more information on Kimberly and to join “The Inspired   Social Media links:
        Life Tribe,” check out the links below:               Facebook -
                                                              Instagram -,
        Website:                  @kimberlyspreenglick
                                                              YouTube -
        FREE mini-course that provides 3 steps to live        LinkedIn -
        a more inspired life:                                 ly-spreen-glick-8137803/  The Inspired Life Tribe on FB:

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