Page 29 - The Holiday Issue San Diego Woman Magazine ballet 2018
P. 29
as many women, as you see the spelling). And depending him the names of body parts, to know such things. Or why
men. on the gender, little girls all and he was to identify the Jung grew up without any
Men seem to want to have play with Barbie and little boys body part and give me a siblings because until recently
deep conversations about all like scaring you with their sentence with that body part it was against the law in China
politics in America. And I am a latest rendition of how zom- mentioned in the sentence. to have more than one child.
firm believer that the custom- bies walk and talk. Oh, and The body part in question was Or why you can never criticize
er is always right, so I am more everyone’s favorite restaurant, the tongue, and after some your government if you live
than happy to join in and give no matter how old or your gentle correction on pronun- in Turkey or Russia or North
them my opinion. I think I’ve gender – Pizza Hut. ciation, I said “sentence.” Korea, if you expect to live
done my part about setting I have days my jaw is so “The tongue is most useful long. And the word homosex-
the record straight about fake tired from laughing that I for the kissing of a woman. ual is not even uttered as it is
news, the media, and the wonder who is teaching who, Trust me, I didn’t expect that, unthinkable to even say it. I
accomplishments of President as I am a firm believer that and when I seemed shocked could go on to list a myriad of
Donald Trump. Accordingly, learning anything should be by his answer, he decided to cant’s, but each one is more
I have learned that many fun. I try very hard to make all expand it with a further expla- egregious than the other.
countries seem to have the my students laugh as it does nation. “Yes, this tongue can Many of the rights of
same problems we do with wonders to lessen the stress also be used to kiss and make women and men are taken for
the media and the news they of learning a new language. I pleasure to many parts of the granted in the United States.
receive. think half of them keep com- woman.” That was it I burst Maybe you are more enlight-
It’s kind of trippy when ing to me because they can’t into a fit of nervous laughter. ened than I was and knew that
I listen to the news now wait to see what I am going “Oh, my teacher, you do like many of these things were
and here things like “the US to do next. No, I am not going my sentences?” I couldn’t stop still ‘cant’s’ in many countries.
sanctions on Turkish steel and to give away all my secrets, laughing, and then he started I assumed that most coun-
aluminum are having a major tries were at least in the 20th
impact…….” Mainly because century, an assumption I was
I talked to like maybe 5 or to learn was totally wrong.
6 students from Turkey and And what I find even more
we were discussing that very alarming is that many of these
subject. Or “the Saudi Arabi- apparent practices come from
an government denies any religious beliefs. So much for
responsibility for the disap- Christians being non-judg-
pearance of …” and my first mental.
and last student of the day I realize not everything in
were Saudi. These are just two the United States is perfect. I
examples however it could know that many Americans
be news about North Korea, are very dissatisfied with the
China, Venezuela, Russia, Iraq, but I can share with you that laughing. He was so proud of current state of affairs. But you
Kuwait, the list is extensive there is a little boy in Saudi himself having come up with may want to consider this, no
and goes on to include every Arabia that loves to challenge not one but two sentences, place on earth is perfect. You
country and continent on me about zombies. One day which I encourage all the time. have the freedom to say you
earth. I think I even talked to I dressed up like a zombie, Thank goodness he stopped are unhappy or even protest
an alien yesterday, at least it makeup and all, and the look at two and didn’t go for the with signs and overzealous
sounded and looked like one. on his face was priceless. The trifecta. women screaming in the halls
The perspective you get lasting effect – his attention Not every day is fun and of Congress. You don’t have to
from talking to the people of span has increased consider- games, and it is unbelievable become a pharmacist because
these countries, people like ably. to me to hear women from your father says you must. You
you and me, is illuminating. Recently my biggest laugh Saudi Arabia tell me they can have as many children as
Most of the time I learn that came from a student in Turkey, hate chemistry, yet they are you want, in or out of wedlock,
they have the same hopes who is male, about 6 foot 2 or going to school to learn to be and many people do. You can
and dreams as many people so, thin, and very serious, even a pharmacist as their father love another man if you are a
in this country. That their stoic most of the time. He instructed. Or how they long man, or a woman if you are a
respective governments are was one of my first students, to be able to travel without a woman.
either trusted or so corrupt and I think I may have made male relative. Or why at the Ergo with this being the
that they would make the him laugh twice; however, he age of 30 they are still living holiday edition of San Diego
Mafia look amateurish. The cracks a smile every now and with their parents as a woman Woman Magazine, I would like
teenagers are obsessed with then. He is married, 3 children, is not allowed to live alone. Or to say the following; I AM SO
their cell phones. The pre- lives in Istanbul, and a very why many of them don’t even THANKFUL I AM AN AMERI-
teens are all playing a game proper gentleman as he told know their own addresses as CAN, and IT IS TRULY A GIFT
called ‘Fort Knight’ (not sure of me one day. I was teaching there is no need for a woman TO SAY SO.