Page 34 - The Holiday Issue San Diego Woman Magazine ballet 2018
P. 34
RAVELING 2,668 MILES I know that kids who are differ-
Tfor the opportunity of a life- ent or struggle, like kids with
time was so worth it. I had the pediatric cancer, need people
pleasure of being asked last to support them. This was not
summer by Liz Nieves, owner, your ordinary fashion show, it
and designer of Ilo Gear, to be was not your ordinary first run-
a model in Miami, Florida for way, but it was an event that
Ilo Gear’s 3rd annual fashion I was so passionate about. In
show. At the fashion show, this Miami, I knew that I would be
year, Ilo Gear raised $5,000 raising money and awareness
in donations for the Live Like for kids who struggle every
Bella Foundation. The Live day and who are not accepted
Like Bella Foundation funds and support the families going
pediatric cancer research, and through this hardship.
they help families and children When my mom and I first
affected by cancer. When I arrived at the location of the
was first invited to attend and fashion show we were amazed.
model in the fashion show, my The fashion show was held in
heart was so full for the kids a beautiful, and grand pent-
we would be fundraising for house. The view from the ter-
and helping, but also so grate- MIAMI race on top of the penthouse
ful for this opportunity I knew I was priceless. You could see all
couldn't pass up, and there- of Miami. After looking around
fore, so ready to chase after the penthouse, rehearsals
this opportunity and follow my began. We ran the order of the
passion. When my mom and I Experience fashion show a few times, and
first arrived in Miami, I was in we rehearsed how to walk up
awe of the beauty of Miami, and down the runway, we re-
Miami's beautiful beaches and By Sofia Mah hearsed the dances that would
thriving nightlife. On our first Photos Courtesy of Sofia Mah be showcased, and then it was
night in Miami, we walked showtime. The fashion show
around our hotel and sat on a we were eating at had old raise money and awareness started off with a cocktail hour.
little bench looking out into all pictures of Venezuela, bringing for pediatric cancer. All the At the cocktail hour, there
of Miami, and we just sat there back nostalgic stories of pet proceeds from the night at was a delicious dulce de leche
taking in all of Miami's beauty. monkeys, parrots and snakes the fashion show would all go cake, a live orchestra playing
Miami isn't much like San Di- and going to the beautiful to the Live Like Bella organi- of high school musicians, a
ego, where I'm from. In Miami, remote white-sand beaches zation. Throughout the night, Miami artist painting an image
you always hear the saucy every weekend. people would be donating to live, multiple photographers
Latin music playing and smell The second day we were in the Live Like Bella organization taking pictures of the models
the divine flavors of different Miami was the day of the fash- as each model walked down in Ilo Gear, and Jordan Matter,
cultural cuisine. The food in ion show. As soon as I woke the runway. Standing up and a world renown photographer,
Miami was flavorful, delicious up, I felt the excitement rush supporting anyone who is signing his new photography
and tasted like something I've through my veins. In the morn- different has always been a book, Dancers Among Us. I
never had. My favorite food my ing with the sun just right for part of who I am because my was chosen by the designer,
mom and I had in Miami was beautiful scenic photos, I had brother, Matteo Mah, is handi- Liz Nieves, to represent her
Venezuelan food. My mom is a photo shoot with one of the capped and has mitochondrial costume line by walking
from Venezuela, so it brought photographers who was going disease, and not a lot of people around and greeting all of the
back many memories eating to be at the fashion show. We accept who he is. I know my guests during this time. It was
the food from where she grew picked the beautiful pier and brother struggles every day such an honor to be picked to
up. The food was spectacular a lane lined with palm trees to fit in with other kids, and I do this and practice my public
and as we were eating Venezu- as dramatic settings. After the know he struggles to do things speaking skills. After cocktail
elan food, my mom was shar- photo shoot, the countdown other kids can do easily. He has hour, all the models got back
ing all the memories from her for the fashion show began. been one of my biggest influ- into the dressing room, and
childhood in Venezuela when I was so excited to model for encers to do what I do. He has everyone made last little
she was a kid, what it was like Ilo Gear at their fashion show helped me make the decision makeup touch-ups and hair
growing up in Venezuelan, and walk down my first actual to take this opportunity and fixes. We had over 100 girls in
especially since the restaurant runway, but most importantly chase after my dream because a small backstage area, all with