Page 35 - The Holiday Issue San Diego Woman Magazine ballet 2018
P. 35


        huge smiles, all excited to hit                                                   onto the stage, and we stood
        the runway, and all with a sin-                                                   on the runway as everyone ad-
        gle mission, to raise awareness                                                   mired the outfits and designs
        and funding!                                                                      one last time. Once all the
           The show began. The show                                                       cheering silenced, Liz begins
        started off by five of the most                                                   to speak. Liz shared her story
        gorgeous pieces of the couture                                                    of becoming a designer and
        line designed by Liz Nieves, the                                                  how she came to starting Ilo
        founder, and owner of Ilo Gear.                                                   Gear. As Liz speaks, she holds
        My turn to take the runway                                                        hands with one of her biggest
        was about to come up, and I                                                       inspirations and the influence
        was more excited than ever. I                                                     for starting the fashion show,
        had been waiting for this mo-                                                     Bella. The organization the
        ment for so long, and it finally                                                  fashion show is funding for
        came. I was hearing cheers                                                        and raising money and aware-
        and hollers as each model                                                         ness for is Live Like Bella, and
        walked the runway. When the                                                       Bella, a little girl, diagnosed
        girl before me walked onto                                                        with pediatric cancer, was with
        the runway, I peer out from                                                       us that night holding hands
        backstage. I saw cameras flash-                                                   with Liz as Liz pours out her
        ing and lots of people with                                                       heart and soul to the audience.
        smiles on their faces admiring                                                    This is what makes my soul
        the beautiful pieces. Now it                                                      happy, tons of other dancers
        was finally my turn. When I                                                       and models coming together
        walked out onto the runway,                                                       as one and raising money and
        a big smile stretched over my                                                     awareness for a good cause,
        face. I was so excited to walk                                                    pediatric cancer. The feeling
        down the runway knowing                                                           you get surrounded by so
        that I'm helping kids with                                                        many other people sharing the
        pediatric cancer while showing                                                    same love and passion as you
        off the beautiful designs of                                                      and coming together to fight
        Liz Nieves, Ilo Gear.  I walked                                                   for something we believe in. At
        all the way to the end of the                                                     the end of the fashion show,
        runway and hit three poses as                                                     one of the videographers from
        photographers and guests in                                                       the night wanted to interview
        the audience snapped pictures                                                     me, and he asked me what my
        of the beautiful designs by                                                       favorite part of the night was,
        Liz. Then, I walked back to                                                       my answer was, the people. I
        the start of the runway, hit a                                                    loved being surrounded the
        pose, and left the runway. As                                                     whole night with amazing,
        soon as I got off the runway,                                                     inspiring dancers and models
        I had to quickly get into my                                                      and being able to meet Bella,
        next outfit and get back into                                                     the pediatric cancer fighter
        sequence. My first outfit was                                                     and purpose behind the orga-
        a sequined red unitard, and                                                       nization, Live Like Bella. She
        then I was changing into a chic                                                   put a huge smile on my face
        plaid and black leotard.  My                                                      when I met her, she had an up-
        second outfit was my favorite.                                                    beat personality, and she was
        Ever since my eyes laid sight                                                     so joyful. This is why I traveled
        on the plaid and black leotard,   backstage again and changed    then left the stage right before   thousands of miles all the way
        I knew I wanted to wear it.   into my next and final outfit,   the finale. As soon as the final   to Miami, to gather, to con-
        Now I had the chance to wear   a beautiful purple leotard. I   model exited the stage from   nect, and to share the same
        the leotard and walk down the   walked down the runway hear-  her last walk down the runway,   passion with so many other
        runway showing it's gorgeous   ing clicks from everyone taking  all the models held hands   inspiring dancers and models.
        design. After I walked up and   pictures, and hearing cheers   together and walked down   Ultimately, we all came togeth-
        down the runway in the plaid   and claps for the amazing de-  the runway all together, as one   er as one family to support and
        and black leotard, I headed   sign. I hit a pose one last time   family. All the models and I fit   fight pediatric cancer.

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