Page 32 - The Holiday Issue San Diego Woman Magazine ballet 2018
P. 32

                                    AVERY GAYHEART

                                           Three Horses, a Pony and Five

                                                       German Shepherds

                                                                      By Nini Hodge

                                   Morgan horse show in OKC,
                                   his name is Maximum Veloci-
                                   ty, aka Harley. Avery has won
                                   the UPHA (United Profession-
                                   al Horseman), Challenge cup
                                   which is a series of rail work,
                                   as well as difficult patterns
                                   that the rider and horse must
                                   complete together against
                                   other riders and whoever has
                                   the most flawless and near
                                   perfect pattern, wins the title.
           HIS ARTICLE IS ABOUT    Avery travels statewide and
        TFallbrook resident,       cross country to compete.
        15-year-old Avery Gayheart.  Recently she also won the
        Avery was born in Las Vegas  coveted AMHA (American
        Nevada and then moved to   Morgan Horse) Equitation   because that’s where I train   wants to be when she grows
        California in 2012 right before  championship as well as the   and Avery is like a big sister to   up, but horses will definitely
        Avery’s 9th birthday. Avery  “Ann Speck” (A well-known   me and teaches me things.   be a part of her future. Her
        has been a very successful  equitation trainer), perpetu-  Avery loves to spend time   absolute Favorite thing to do
        equestrian for the last 5 years,  al trophy. She has also won   at the beach and at home   is ride her horses, no surprise
        she has won many titles as  Southern California Horse-  with her 5 German Shepherd   there. We are very excited
        well as trophies. She started  manship Counsel’s High Point   Rescue dogs. Her dad Ben   to see what the future holds
        out as a walk trotter only leas-  award for Equitation rider of   runs his own company and   for Avery and Harley, you
        ing a Morgan named “Lorenzo  the year. During the summer   is also supportive of his kids’   can be sure it’s going to be a
        De Clarige,” and from there it  she won a huge trophy at   love for their activities and   successful one.
        was the love of the sport that  the Santa Barbara Morgan   dogs. This family is a very
        drove her. Today Avery owns  Medallion horse show.  She   close-knit family, and you
        3 Morgan horses and a Hack-  had an exciting time in OKC   can often see her mom going
        ney pony named Oreo, her   she made the Cut for the   from horse show to baseball
        first love is Watch Me Dance,  Equitation championship   games simultaneously. Avery
        aka Finley, this is the Morgan  which is extremely hard to do   has also done gymnastics for
        horse Avery has been suc-  as it is very competitive, so   10 years which I am guess-
        cessful on, her and her trainer,  for her even making the cut   ing has helped her with
        as well as her mom, flew out  was a huge accomplishment.   strength and core abilities.
        to Ohio to try many different  Avery has a younger brother   She loves amusement parks,
        horses, and they fell in love  Braden who is an amazing   snowboarding and visiting
        with her first horse Finely. Her  little leaguer and a beautiful   her family in upstate New
        next horse is a Morgan horse  older sister named Alexa.   York.  A “Fun Fact” about
        named Silas who she doesn’t  Avery’s family supports her   Avery is she DOES NOT like
        show but rather just trail  and all that she does, her   shopping, surprising because
        rides around on, it’s her “play  mom Kathi homeschools her   most girls her age love to be
        horse”, and last but not least  and drives her to Escondido   at the mall, but she would
        is her brand new show horse  to Miller Equestrian where   rather be at the barn. One
        that she got on her recent trip  she is trained by Ann Miller, if   more piece of info Avery
        to the world championship  that name sounds familiar it’s   says she is not sure what she

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