Page 4 - The Holiday Issue San Diego Woman Magazine ballet 2018
P. 4
Letter From the Editor Letters to the Editor
Dear Readers, My kids and I love the new San Diego Kid’s section in
your magazine. What a great idea and great service you
are providing to the youngsters in our town. Sofia Mah’s
Welcome to our Holiday Issue. Dance pictures are so beautiful. My youngest daughter
We are all starting to feel the ex- saw them and said “Mommy can I do that one day?” Of
course, I signed her up for her first dance class and now
citement of the holidays now that she plans on being a ballerina. It may be only the first of
Thanksgiving has passed and the many careers she aspires to, but it was because of your
feature. Thanks for always coming up with great articles
Black Friday Weekend has come to in your magazine.
Photo by Lisa K. Miller miss all of the Christmas lights and templating plastic surgery and this column answered all
a close. Of course, how could you
Rachel from San Diego
The Ask Dr. K column came just in time. I was con-
decorations everywhere as well as
of my questions. I plan to make an appointment with Dr.
all of the Christmas music playing
K in the new year to finally fix this problem that has been
nagging at me for years.
In the 11 year history of San
Diego Woman, this cover is ground- ჸ Anna from Poway
After I read the article on how important sleep was I
breaking, in that it is the first time that we have had it not be a passed it on to my teenage daughter. She actually read
“women only,” cover. We were just so excited about the new executive it, which is amazing to begin with, but I see her heading
to bed earlier after she understood how important it
team at the California Ballet and the excitement they bring to this was. Thanks Dr. Guarneri and Dr. Lonsdorf.
upcoming season, that we needed to share it with our readers. ჸ Gwen from Escondido
What says Christmas more than the Classic Nutcracker Ballet? It Point Loma Nazarene University was one of the
has been a staple for as long as most of us can remember. I can recall, schools on my list to go back and get my MBA. I am
as a small child, my Aunt Jackie taking me to Radio City Music Hall definitely going to apply for the scholarship and keep
my fingers crossed. After reading about the flexibility of
to see the Nutcracker. If you have children or grandchildren, you their programs either way I think I found my school.
should definitely plan to introduce them to this magical production. ჸ Carla from San Diego
California Ballet even has special child-friendly performances for all I love the photos of the Cindy Karen clothes and will
the little ones to see. definitely go online and order one of her great dresses.
Even if you never saw a Ballet before, you have to make a point It was interesting learning the story behind the designer
and where her love of flying and her logo came from.
of seeing this traditional Christmas Spectacular. What will make it ჸ Petra from Rancho Bernardo
even more exciting for you is reading the article in this issue, which So sorry to hear about the editor’s injury. I had a
includes an in-depth explanation of the story behind the” Nutcrack- similar one a few years ago and it is true, doing anything
er” Though many of us have made it a holiday tradition to see this with just one arm is impossible. Though I must say it was
funny to read about it. Of course I have two arms now so
classical ballet, few of us know the story from which it was created. I can laugh.
Is Holiday stress already starting to creep up on you? Read our ჸ Lori from La Jolla
Pearls of Wisdom column for some definitive ways to help protect I was enthralled with your cover story about Dr.
your sanity and health during this wonderful, yet often stressful time. James’ Brain tumor and how he fought his way back and
Our Women of Distinction in this issue are an amazing group of as a result created a great product for everyone. I guess
there sometimes is a reason for bad things that happen
women, so please don’t miss reading their stories. They will fill you to us. His nightmare produced a product which could
with inspiration and the needed boost to move forward with plans of be a lifesaver to many people. Thanks Dr. James and Dr.
your own to shine in 2019. Tess for your help getting him better.
Bob from San Diego
From all of our family, to all of yours, we wish you Health and
What a unique story about Silvia Mah. Her mom was
Happiness in this upcoming year and an absolutely incredible Holi- a CIA operative? I never knew anyone except characters
day with friends and loved ones. on TV who could say that. She really traveled far to help
Happy Holidays to all of our faithful readers, advertisers, and women and all of us entrepreneurial women are sure
staff, who have helped make this past year a memorable one. glad she did.
ჸ Lana from Carlsbad
I really like that you honor veterans in your maga-
Warm Holiday Wishes, zine. My husband served for 25 years and I am always
Judith A. Habert happy to find a magazine that shows gratitude to those
who risked their lives for our country. Luckily my hus-
band made it home safe, but I lost him three years ago. I
still think of him every time I read something about the
military. Thank you.
ჸ Corrine from Pacific Beach