Page 5 - The Holiday Issue San Diego Woman Magazine ballet 2018
P. 5


                                                              She loves to document topics of   of Administration & Management
                                                              health and fitness, entrepreneurship,   and currently is CEO & Founder of
                                                              and body image. Her dream is to   Bettie Youngs Book Publishers. Dr.
                                                              have a not-for-profit which empow-  Youngs served on the board for the
                                                              ers young girls to focus on their goals   Fuller Center for Housing, Interna-
                                                              in the business world.      tional, and founded The Fuller Cen-
                                                                                          ter for Housing, San Diego, serving
                                                                                          as its Executive Director since 2008.
        1.   Robert Tussey         5.   Maggie Ramos                                      Dr. Youngs served on the Board of
        Robert has been a published writer   Maggie Ramos is a student at                 Trustees for Drake University and is
        for over thirty years and has been   MiraCosta College and is artistically        a charter member of The Nation-
        providing editing services for the   multi talented. She is a great writer,       al WWII Museum which maintains
        past twenty-five. As a musician, he   painter and a skilled photographer,         an affiliation with the Smithsonian
        has written scores of songs. His life   thanks to several recent courses.         Institute. To contact: info@Bet-
        has revolved around his music and   She puts her soul and heart in every
        writing, often melding the two into   piece she creates. Her art and writ-  9.   Dr. Mimi Guarneri
        articles and interviews.   ing pieces tend to be very emotion-  Mimi Guarneri, MD is President of
                                   al. Maggie creates art based on self   the Academy of Integrative Health
                                   experiences and from experiences   and Medicine. Dr. Guarneri is board
                                   of those around her.       certified in Internal Medicine, Car-
                                                              diovascular Disease and Integrative
                                                              Medicine. She is the medical director
                                                              and founder of Guarneri Integrative
                                                              Health at Pacific Pearl La Jolla.
                                                                                          13.  Nini Hodge
        2.   Carol Heath                                                                  Head Writer San Diego Kids
        Carol is a Certified Clinical Master/                                             Natalia (Nini) Hodge, an avid eques-
        Teacher; she is certified in a myriad of                                          trian, has won more honors than
        alternative modalities including Col-  6.   Dawn Nicoli                           many win in lifelong careers. Nini
        or and Sound therapy, Chakra ther-  For over 20 years Dawn has owned              competes at all levels of horse shows
        apy, Reflexology, Cranial and Lomi   and operated Nicoli Productions, an          local and out of state. She has made
        lomi massage and developed her   environmental portrait studio, run               quite a name for herself over the last
        own hands on healing method.  out of her two-acre property in Es-  10.  Sharon Hightower   4 years appearing in various maga-
                                   condido. Starting a new chapter of   Sharon is a native of California, and   zines and news articles and even on
                                   her life, when serenity has become   has lived in Chicago and Guadalaja-  television. Her latest undertaking is
                                   so important, Dawn spends her time  ra, MX. She earned an MA in Teaeh-  as Head Writer for our San Diego Kids
                                   in her palapa tree house with her   ing English as a Second Language   Section.
                                   dog, Karma. exploring the world of   (TESOL) from CSULA some 20 years
                                   writing.                   ago, but recently completed her
                                                              MBA at Point Loma. A busy woman
                                                              with 9 grandchildren, she combines
                                                              teaching with her love of writing.
        3.   Gerald Neff
        With more than 40 years living and
        working in South America in the
        agriculture and forestry business.
        topped off with 25 years in the U.S.                                              14.  Sofia Algeria Mah
        Em- bassy and Peace Corps. His writ-                                              Sofia Algeria Mah is a 12 year old
        ing experience includes local publi-  7.   Dr. Nancy Lonsdorf, MD                 dancer, model, actress & percussion-
        cations and years of U.S. Embassy re-  Nancy Lonsdorf, MD is a Johns Hop-         ist. Dance is her respite, her passion.
        ports; so sit back and enjoy the ride.   kins and Stanford- trained physi-        She is a 7th grader at Santa Fe Chris-
        Gerald Neff can be contacted at 760   cian who is trained in the Bredesen   11.  Louisa Llanes  tian Schools, where she delights in
        796 4877.                  ReCode Protocol for Reversing Cog-  Louisa was born and raised right   Honors Math, History and Honors
                                   nitive Decline and helps patients   here in San Diego, Louisa has a back-  English. Her favorite scripture is: “He
                                   restore memory and overall health,   ground in wedding and event plan-  restores my soul” - Psalm 23:3
                                   naturally. She practices Integrative   ning. Her passion for people and
                                   Ayurveda and offers the Healthy   research has led her to become the
                                   Brain Recode Success Program at   avid reader and writer she is today.
                                   Guarneri Integrative Health at the   Louisa continues to seek adventure
                                   Pacific Pearl. Call 858-459-6919 for   and beauty in everything around her,
                                   details.                   always up for stimulating conversa-
        4.   Debbie Storms                                    tion, planned or spontaneous.
        Debbie has enjoyed many careers
        from accountant to air traffic con-                                               15.  Kiriann Booth
        troller. She believes life is an adven-                                           Kiriann is 13 years old and is homes-
        ture to be lived to its fullest. Growing                                          chooled through the Elite Academy.
        up in New Jersey, she learned life                                                She also attends Rock Creek for elec-
        skills to help her practice that credo.                                           tives.  Kiriann loves writing and art
        Her passion for travel has taken her                                              and is in many 4-H programs, one of
        to many parts of the world. She is   8.   Jaime V. Habert                         her favorites is Bee Keeping. Kiriann
        now focusing on writing about her   Jaime is the Entertainment/Events   12.  Bettie B. Youngs  has won blue ribbons for her marvel-
        travels and interviewing entertain-  Editor of San Diego Woman and a   Bettie B. Youngs, Ph.D., Ed.D., is a   ous cooking at the Ramona Fair and
        ers, which is a great combo!  freelance writer out of Carlsbad, CA.   former Graduate School Professor  also is an active Girl Scout.
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