Page 41 - The Holiday Issue San Diego Woman Magazine ballet 2018
P. 41

Holiday Gift Guide


        have.  At the bottom of each page is an   savory.  Enter Bubba’s Fine Foods which   grain-free snack mix.  Selfishly hoping
        area in which you are prompted to list   was created in 2014 by Jared Menzel,   to simply buy the snack mix to satisfy
        something for which you are grateful   Head Chef, and his brother-in-law, Jeff   his new-found addiction, Jeff encour-
        today — something that smartphone of   Schmidgall, Head Peddler.   Every bag of  aged Jared to start a business selling
        yours never does.                   their gourmet grain-free snacks is arti-  this amazing product... and purchased a
        The quotes are profound and fun with   san hand-crafted in small batches in the   domain name for a future website right
        ones such as “Life is Short, Be Kind,”    front range of the Colorado Rockies.  there at the breakfast table.
           “He who is not courageous enough   Jared, nick-named Bubba as a child,   One month later the first bag of Bubba’s
        to take risks will accomplish nothing in   is a self-taught gourmet cook.  It was   Snack Mix was sold and enjoyed.  The
        life.”                              Jared’s desire to improve his diet and   rest, as they say, is history...
           “In the end just three things matter:   his health which led him to the creation   Bubba’s Fine Foods believe very
        How well we have lived: How well we   of these delicious and healthy snacks.    strongly that the food you eat should
        have loved: How well we have learned   He had recently started changing his   be real, clean and simple... and should
        to let go.”                         diet to clean, high nutrient, and low   taste great.
           So even for a few minutes each day,   glycemic foods.  To accomplish this   Bubba has a great variety of snacks
        let go of that smartphone and pick up   desire, he replaced the processed foods   including Snack Mixes, Nanna Chips,
        the Live Happy Notebook.            that were staples in his pantry and in his  and Ungranola,
        Order yours at        life. Being the connoisseur of fine foods   Snack mix is Gluten Free, Grain
                                            that he is, Jared found a lot of the clean   Free, with no added sugar and is
        6. Bubba’s Fine Foods               convenience foods on the market lack-  Vegan-friendly. It is a delicious mix of
        Makes Snacking Delicious and Healthy  ing in taste... and especially crunch.  So   Banana Chips, pecans and cashews with
           Sometimes you just have to have a   he started experimenting and creating   no artificial colors, sugars or preserva-
        snack.  If you look on the supermarket   his own clean, real-food snacks in his   tives.  Many who have tried it have used
        shelves, it is tough to find something   kitchen.                        it also as a replacement for croutons in
        that both fulfills a craving and does not   Jeff played a big part in this new   their salads.
        cause you waves of guilt. I personally   product as well.  As a CrossFit Train-  Nanna Chips are Gluten Free, Grain
        find myself up late most nights working   er and Health Coach, he decided to   Free, with no added sugar and are Veg-
        on this magazine and find the need   change to a Paleo lifestyle.   While their   an-friendly.  The bag is full of banana
        to snack on something.  Fruit works   families vacationed together in the   chips which are flavored in various
        well, but there comes a point where   summer of 2014, Jeff fell head-over-  ways.  Flavors include Macho Nacho,
        you just need something crunchy and   heels in love with Jared’s crunchy,   Blazing Buffalo, and Grand Garlic Parm.

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