Page 42 - The Holiday Issue San Diego Woman Magazine ballet 2018
P. 42
Holiday Gift Guide
Ungranola provides the flavor of gra- The Loom writing implements the creation of these supplements –
nola without the high-glycemic grains. are varied and fascinating. They are FOCUS Clearli™, SLEEP Peacefulli™, and
Ungranola is loaded with almonds, characterized by luminous colors and RESTORE Dayli™ – all are designed to
coconut flakes, cashews and lots of elegance. The interplay of gloss and support brain health and function.
flavor. Flavors include Bourbon Vanilla, matt effects will make those around you SLEEP Peacefulli™ features ingre-
Cinn-ful Apple and Uber Chocolate. ask where you found that beautiful pen. dients that help you sleep so you can
If you are looking for a healthy and One of my favorite design elements of wake up refreshed. To achieve our peak
delicious way to snack visit https:// this pen is the embossed grooves on potential, we need targeted nourish- and order one of the grip which help you glide over the ment that helps our neurons communi-
each! pages with ease. Give family and friends cate effectively and fire throughout the
a gift they are sure to cherish. day.
7. Faber-Castell Elegant Writing Visit and order RESTORE Dayli™ is Liveli’s multivita-
Instruments your Holiday gifts today. min formula with ingredients that help
What can you say about a company nourish the brain and support cogni-
that dates back to 1761? What I imme- 8. Liveli tion.
diately think is Wow! Companies today Give your friends and relatives a FOCUS Clearli™ has ingredients that
are lucky if they can break the five-year gift of Brain health with, Liveli’s three help activate the brain when it needs to
mark. Faber-Castell was started as a unique formulas designed by a Stanford be working and concentrating.
pencil company in Germany and grew trained highly respected physician who Visit
to a huge firm that is known for many suffered an illness that brought him to all-in-system
things, but most importantly, fine writ-
ing instruments.
Too many people rely too much on
using a computer, iPad, or smartphone
to jot down important notes. For those
of us who consider themselves writers,
or for those who simply want the best
in everything they do, enter Faber-Cas-
I had the opportunity to test drive
one of their fine pens called the Loom
in a beautiful metallic blue color, and
I must say it is one of the best pens I
have ever used, with an added touch
of elegance. If you want to break away
from the barrage of electronic items 8
this season, think about getting back to
traditional gifts.