Page 47 - The Holiday Issue San Diego Woman Magazine ballet 2018
P. 47
Holiday Gift Guide Specialty Cookbooks
5-Ingredient Air Fryer Recipes
By Camilla V. Saulsbury
tion of disease is an very sad situation route. This book just purchased your
integral part of life for some people. helps to not only air fryer or have had
so why not learn to Thanks to the make it easier but one for years, you
cook in a way that invention of the tastier as well. Every will find recipes in
will decrease the home air fryer, recipe in this book this book that you
chances of ending which relies on contains no more never heard of be-
up with conditions hot air rather than than five ingredi- fore. In a very short
such as obesity hot oil to “fry” ents and can be pre- time, you will be a
and heart disease? foods, you need not pared in less than well-seasoned air-
With the use of an wait for weekend 30 minutes. Each fry cook, using these
air fryer, you cut splurges or special recipe is unique, recipes that deliver
calories and fat sig- occasions to savor designed exclusively impressive results,
Life is filled nificantly. When this simple delight. for the air fryer and time and again.
with countless little a family member You can enjoy fried downright delecta- Surprise your
pleasures — crispy was diagnosed with foods anytime and ble. The results are family with these
fried food is one of heart disease, it also avoid the messy every bit as irresist- delicious guilt-free
them. Many of us, was essential that cleanup left in the ible as higher-fat recipes, they won’t
however, have re- certain foods be wake of traditional options — perhaps even know that they
moved them from avoided. Sadly, a oil-fried foods. even more so. are not their old
our diet fearing health condition So how much Whether you fried favorites.
the calories and causing you to cut harder is it to be
cholesterol fears of out a favorite food healthy than to Go to to order your
fried food. Preven- forever can be a go the old fashion copy today.
The Cheesecake Bible
(2nd Edition)
By George Geary
Sinful is not cake? Yes, along trian varieties of problems, be-
the word! The with the obvious Cheesecake. cause let’s face it a
recipes in this favorites there are This Cheese- Cheesecake makes
book are to die for. recipes such as cake menagerie everything better.
There are over 300 these inside this even includes The simple to
Sweet and Savory phenomenal new The Golden Girls comprehend rec-
Recipes. We all book on Cheese- Cheesecake, the ipes from George
have had tradi- cakes. very one that the Geary, the author
tional cheesecake, One of the four Golden Girls of 13 cookbooks,
but have you ever parts I like most would sit around will make you the
thought about try- are the listing the kitchen table envy of all your
ing Maine Lobster of Cheesecakes discussing solu- friends at your
Cheesecake, Roast- from all over the tions to various next dinner event.
ed Garlic, Black world. You can find
Olive and Herb, or Tokoyo, Italian, Visit to become a
Chipotle Cheese- German, and Aus- Cheesecake Master.