Page 2 - SD Woman Cover Story San Diego Mojo
P. 2

Women of Distinction

              MAKING   DREAMS   COME  TRUE

                                                        By Judith A. Habert

           It’s exciting, exhilarating,   The International Volleyball   of the PVF and the visionary   their magnificent coaching staff.
                                   Federation has over 200 govern-
        and ground-breaking! San   MARAUDER BLUE  SUNSET YELLOW  WAVE CAP WHITE  leadership of one of the all-time   With practices held at the Wave
                                                                  SKY BLUE
        Diego’s newest addition to   ing nations with pro volleyball   greatest volleyball players, Kerri   Volleyball facilities in Del Mar
                                                                 PANTONE: 298 C
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                                   PANTONE: 654 C
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                                             HEX: #FDC82F
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                                                       RGB: 255 255 255
                                                                 RGB: 61 183 228
                                   RGB: 00 44 95
        professional sports is the San   teams for both men and women.    Walsh Jennings.  She has been   and games played at the Viejas
        Diego Mojo. The Pro Volley-  Countries that American players   instrumental in bringing this   Arena, we had the opportunity
        ball Federation is the latest   traveled to play at the pro level   exciting sport to San Diego.   to watch them in practice mode
        breakthrough for women’s   have included Turkey, Japan,   Walsh-Jennings is a renowned   and during a recent game against
        professional sports.  The PVF   France, Italy, Germany, Spain,   beach volleyball player, three-  the Colombus Fury. And yes, our
        includes athletes from all over   Israel, Russia, Finland, Portugal,   time Olympic gold medalist,   girls shined, defeating the Fury
        the world, but this is the very   Poland, and Denmark.   and one-time Olympic bronze   in a very exciting matchup.
        first time that our American   Many players have had   medalist, and is now the owner   Ronika Stone (#7) is a mid-
  PANTONE: 654 C talent has had the opportunity   the opport  PANTONE: 298 C  of the San Diego Mojo, our own   dle blocker who stands at 6’2”
                                     PANTONE: WHITE unity to fulfill their
                   PANTONE: 123 C
  RGB: 00 44 95  to pursue their dreams without   Olympic dreams with the   RGB: 61 183 228   professional women’s volleyball   and has been playing profession-
  HEX: #002C5F
                                      HEX: #FFFFFF
                                                       HEX: #3DB7E4
                    HEX: #FDC82F
                    RGB: 253 200 47
                                     RGB: 255 255 255
        traveling halfway around the   United States Women’s Nation-  team based in San Diego.  This   ally for 4 years. Although Stone
        world, away from friends and   al Team, and many ended up   had a great impact on our local   was born in Passaic, New Jersey,
        family to do so.  It is no longer   attaining gold medals, so it was   stars who have now been able   she spent the majority of her life
        a choice between pursuing your   obvious that we had a litany of   to find a home right here in San   in San Jose, California.
        dreams or staying in the States;   great players here, but they had   Diego.  Of course, the team does   We had the chance to speak
        the advent of the PVF and, even   nowhere in this country where   not only include American play-  with her and learn a bit more
        better, the existence of a local   they could showcase their talents   ers, but some of the top players   about her passion for volleyball;
        team gives talented female vol-  and turn their love into a pro-  from around the world.  Stone said, “My dad is a former
        leyball players a chance to play   fession.  Thankfully, that has all   We had the great fortune of   NFL player, and I always wanted
        close to home.             changed now due to the advent   meeting some of the players and   to be an athlete. I played a lot of

                                                Photos Courtesy of San Diego Mojo
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