Page 3 - SD Woman Cover Story San Diego Mojo
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Women of Distinction

        sports growing up, but ultimate-  dedication to your craft. Be   land but has played for various   These are just two of the
        ly, when I started playing volley-  patient and continue to find joy   teams during her career.  She   amazing members of Team
        ball at the age of 12, I instantly   in the growing process.”   stands at only 5’ 5” but is quick   Mojo. Take a few minutes to
        fell in love with it.          When you watch Stone    and agile, and always seems to   visit the Mojo site and check out
           Stone is in her fourth year   play it is obvious that she has   anticipate where she should be   their impressive roster (https://
        as a pro volleyball player. “In my   a tremendous work ethic and   in every play.  Her commitment
        first season, I played for Volero   approaches each match as if it   to the game is obvious as well as   ego-mojo/roster).
        Le Canet in France. Then, I spent   was the biggest of her life. You   her ability to be a team play-  Along with the importance
        the next two years playing for   can tell from watching her, both   er. Her experience on the pro   of the team that the mojo has
        AU (Athletes Unlimited) and in   during games and in practice,   level includes playing time in   placed on the court comes the
        Puerto Rico for Las Pinkin de   that she is a force to be reckoned   Spain, Switzerland, Asia, Turkey,   expertise of the coaching staff,
        Corozal, where we won back-to-  with. She dominates the court   the USA, and, of course, her   which is of utmost importance.
        back championships.        and is a consummate profession-  homeland of Thailand. She is a   Head coach Tayyiba Haneef-
           I asked Stone what advice   al. She has definitely gone on to   ten-time Southeast Asian Games   Park was born and raised in
        she could share with young   fulfill her childhood dream.   Champion. With her varied   Laguna Hills, attending Laguna
        girls wanting to follow in her   Nootsara Tomkom (#13)   experience and expertise, she is   Hills High School and Long
        footsteps. She said, “Never stop   has been playing volleyball   a major asset to the Mojo roster.    Beach State.  A standout player
        learning—always strive to be a   professionally as a setter for 16   Tomkom is in her 17th year as   in college, she went on to partic-
        student of the game. You don’t   years and is considered one of   a pro and is most definitely a   ipate in the Olympics and won
        become a professional overnight.   the best setters in the world. She   major force within the San Diego   silver medals in 2008 and 2012.
        It takes years of hard work and   was born and raised in Thai-  Mojos.            Haneef-Park played for various

                    Photos by Dawn Nicoli/ Nicoli Productions                         Photos Courtesy of San Diego Mojo

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