Page 22 - Jo Dee C Jacob Girl Scouts CEO
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Sheri Malvestuto had been spent caring for her husband, now she was all alone.
After some agonizingly lonely days and nights she realized what
she needed to do. She had created Bobby’s Way and opened Visit-
touched by an angel ing Angels, providing the same kind of care to strangers that she Women in Business
had provided to Bobby. What started off as a small operation has
since grown to a major organization employing over 100 employ-
By Judith A. Habert ees who spend their days caring for those who cannot care for
Photo courtesy of Sheri Malvestuto themselves. Sheri spends countless hours at work, proving by her
cheery demeanor, that this is truly a labor of love.
I have often heard the statement, ‘she lights up a room when she Almost five years have passed and slowly Sheri began to take back
walks into it.’ I had always thought it was just an expression or her life, finding some time to pursue interests that she had previous-
exaggeration - hyperbole. I can now honestly say that this person ly enjoyed, one in particular was Salsa dancing. This was not only
does actually exist. Her name is Sheri Malvestuto. She is full of enjoyable for Sheri, but it was a way to keep in shape. It was also
smiles and excitement and someone who honestly loves life, even about to change her life - again. It was here that she met a fellow
though it has dealt her a few very harsh blows. Salsa dancer who Sheri soon found had a heart of gold. Joe was
Sheri is the owner of Visiting Angels, a senior care company, that a dance instructor, and Sheri and he quickly hit it off. Of course,
makes it possible for many women and men to go to work each day, before long Sheri found that she could help others even through
her love of dance. She soon became very involved in a relatively
unknown form of entertainment for the
physically challenged known as Wheel-
chair Dancing.
secure in the knowledge that their elderly loved ones are well cared Today she and Joe spend much of their time working with the Wheel
for and in Sheri’s case, loved. Chair Dancing Association. Sheri recently achieved a long time
The origin of Sheri’s company was the result of a situation she was goal, to open a daycare center for the elderly. She recently found
facing in her own life. Sheri’s love of her life, Bobby, a handsome the perfect home to pursue her dream, which is now a reality: “An-
executive and vice president of global operations for Hewlett- gel House” recently opened its doors and can easily be recognized
Packard, was suddenly struck with a debilitating disease. The by the painting of a beautiful set of angel wings on the garage door.
couple lived in Italy, where Bobby was assigned, and they were the Sheri’s “Angel House.” has become a landmark and a place of hope
idyllic happily married couple living abroad. When Bobby got sick for those who desperately need some help for an elderly parent.
it was Sheri who took care of him day and night. Although family A part of this house includes a large dance studio where Joe and
members suggested life would be easier if Sheri found a nursing Sheri teach wheelchair dancing to many who thought they would
care center to aid Bobby through his Alzheimer’s type disease, she never have a chance to dance again.
knew there was no way this was going to happen. In the beginning Watching a recent performance I was enchanted with the smiling
Sheri worked full time and was reliant on home health care workers. faces of the dancers as they glided across the dance floor spinning
Although some were good, a majority of these workers would show and dipping with Joe and Sheri as their dance partners.
up late or sometimes not at all. Before long, Sheri was forced to Sheri is not only a great woman, a great business woman, and
quit her job to be Bobby’s full time caretaker. a great friend to all who know her, she truly cares. The name of
After ten years, Bobby sadly lost the battle with his disease. It was Sheri’s company could not be more apropos, without a doubt Sheri
at this point that Sheri found herself lost. Every moment of her time Malvestuto is an Angel.