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San Diego Woman Magazine’s

                                            Women in Business

          LOTUSRAIN NATUROPATHIC    Real Estate Broker Agent-  Co-Founder, CEO           Fax:     858-458-3655
          CLINIC, INC.              Owner                     A Full Service Marketing &   Email: contact@LightBridge-
          Dr.Kristine Reese         Serving All North County   Media Company   
          At LotusRain we offer     Coastal & Inland          Websites, Mobile Apps,
          Naturopathic primary care in   "My Concern is You."  Social Media,             PHOTOGRAPHY BY LISA K
          a positive, light-filled space.   Real Estate Broker Agent-  and Online & Offline   Portraiture that Captures the
          Additional services include IV   Owner              Marketing.                 Soul
          Therapy, Integrative Oncol-  760-215-0615           If you would like to schedule   Lisa K. Miller
          ogy, HBOT, and Infrared       a FREE consultation to     Photographer
          Sauna.                    http://www.howardwestcoast-  discuss your business' social   12225 World Trade Dr
          Join us in your pursuit of            media, website, and        Suite P
          optimal health by contacting                        marketing status, call     San Diego, Ca 92128
          our office via:e-mail at   THE P & L GROUP AT MOR-  800-992-0369.              Call Today 858 673 3630
    GAN STANLEY               Email: info@media4women.   www.PhotographybyLisaK.
          phone at 619-239-LIFE     Morgan Stanley Wealth Man-  com.                     com
          (5433)                    agement
          or visiting us online at   Elizabeth “Liza” Pille    DEL PACIFICO MARKET-      SONALI DESIGN STUDIO
   VP-Wealth Management       ING GROUP. INC.           Sonali Soni
          We are located at 5210    The P & L Group at Morgan   Joan C. Wright           Designer/Artist
          Balboa Avenue, Suite F, San   Stanley                Vice President            Looking for a Freelance
          Diego, CA 92117           Morgan Stanley Wealth      A World of Marketing &    Artist?
          Optimize your care, your   Management                Importing since 1988      Logos, brochure design,
          health, your life!        4350 La Jolla Village Drive,   11770 Bernardo Plaza Ct.  business identity kits, murals,
                                    suite #1000                Suite 206 & 208           paintings.
          STREETER PRINTING, INC.   San Diego, CA 92122        San Diego, CA 92128       858 354 5365
          Adrienne Streeter, President  Phone-858-597-7796     Phone: 858 500 2495       Sonali@sonalidesignstudio.
          Streeter Printing has been   Fax -858-597-0455       Fax: 585 618 1881         com
 24       successfully serving the San   Toll Free 1-800-299-0812  Email: triggersbest@hotmail.
          Diego County Community    Liza.Pille@MorganStanley.  com                       DAISY M. HAYS MAKEUP
          since we were founded in   com                       ARTIST
          1980. We offer full service   Referrals are the cornerstone                    Daisy Martinez Hays
          offset & digital printing as well   of our business success.   VISITING ANGELS  Makeup Artist
          as graphic design, bindery &   Your referrals are both   Sheri Malvestuto      “Let me make your special
          mailing services.         welcome and most sincerely   Director                event beautiful”
          9880 Via Pasar            appreciated.               Senior Homecare by Angels®  805 850 8536
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          (Located in Miramar area)  wealth management tools-as   are!™
          (858) 566-0866            well as an easy link right to   860 South Johnson Avenue  BERNARDO DERMATOL-
  your account information-   El Cajon, CA  92020      OGY MEDICAL GROUP
   please visit our website at:   Phone: 619-401-2040 * Fax:   DR. RUTH LARSON, MD
                            619-401-3240            Dr. Ruth Larson is the found-
          EAST COUNTY MORTUARY      pandlgroupsb               smalvestuto@visitingangels.  er of Bernardo Dermatology
          & CREMATION SERVICE                                  com                       Medical Group in North San
          Uyen Do Tender,           ROSE COVE JEWELRY    Diego County.
          Caring, Compassionate,    Lori Tussey                                          It is a premier, comprehen-
          Knowledgeable And Attentive   Attractive Jewelry At Afford-  LIGHTBRIDGE HOSPICE &   sive, seven provider group
          To Your Needs. "A Woman's   able Prices              PALLIATIVE CARE           whose philosophy is to
          Touch."                   Special Occasion & Everyday  Jill Mendlen, RN        provide the highest quality,
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          El Cajon, Ca 92020        619  929 1341              Your Partner in Caring    logic care with kindness and
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      MEDIA4WOMEN                apy, Supportive Music, Pet   15525 Pomerado Road, Suite
  your partner in entrepreneur-  Therapy             A2, Poway, Ca 92064
                                    ial success                6155 Cornerstone Court East   United States
          HOWARD WEST COAST         Bobbye Brooks              Suite 220 • San Diego, CA   (858) 451-3311
          REALTY                    Co-founder, President      92121                     Email: ruthlarsonmd@gmail.
          Nancy K. Howard           Tonilee Adamson            Phone: 858-458-2992       com
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