Page 50 - Jo Dee C Jacob Girl Scouts CEO
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How To Save The Postal Service

                                                             By Rob Weinberg

      The US Postal Service - legally obligated to serve all Ameri-  A little math
      cans, regardless of geography, at uniform price and quality,   Let’s say we aver-
      runs a $16 billion annual deficit. Common wisdom says they’re   age $350 in monthly
      obsolete.                                             rent per kiosk. This
      Perhaps it’s time to think outside the mailbox for a solution.   alone would generate
      A little history                                      $122,775,000 in new
      When it began the Post Office was every community’s demo-  revenues.
      cratic center. People of every stripe would pick up their mail,   Now we remove 93.5%
      see their friends, and run their errands while in town.  of the postal fleet from the roads, not using 420,750,000 gallons
      From 1863 to 1912 mail was delivered seven days a week.   of gasoline. At an average price of $4/gallon, that works out to
      Religious leaders forced elimination of Sunday mail in 1912 to   $1.7 billion in annual savings. Consumers will tie in the Post
      prevent post offices doubling as gathering places and cutting   Office trip with their other errands.
      into church attendance.                               Given the USPS annual employee attrition rate (20,689),
                                                            29,232 postal delivery positions would be eliminated within 18
      A little background
      The USPS employs 522,000 people to deliver 160 billion pieces   months. The Bureau of Labor Statistics reports mail carriers
      of mail to 142 million addresses. By Congressional mandate   earn $48,940, generating savings of $1.5 billion from salaries.
 50   it pays $5.5 billion to pre-fund retiree health-care, 75 years   A little bonus
                                                            Following this path means 243,100 vehicles have been re-
      into the future. Despite receiving ZERO tax support, no major
      operational changes of any kind are allowed without Congres-  moved from the roads, lowering pollution and infrastructure
      sional approval.                                      wear.
      The Postal service operates 212,530 vehicles. Most are near   Starbucks hires an additional 29,232 baristas, generating $526
      their life’s end, and the service spends $500,000,000+ annually   million in new salaries.
      in repairs. A new fleet would cost $4-5 billion.      Entrepreneurs can also be expected to pop up offering to
      The service uses about 450 million gallons of fuel annually.   deliver mail to businesses, helping to create more jobs in the
      Every penny increase in the national average price of gasoline   private sector.
      means an extra $8 million in fuel costs for the USPS.   A little summation
      There are 31,272 post offices. Every day of home delivery costs   We’ve just generated $123 million in new postal revenues,
      the service roughly $2 billion per year.              saved 420 million gallons of gasoline, and cut over $3 billion in
      The economy, email, and competition have all cut into rev-  overhead while creating new private sector jobs in every major
      enues, and management scrambles daily to increase sales and   city and most minor ones. ALL without raising postage by a
      cut costs. For years they’ve been selling ancillary items (greet-  penny.
      ing cards), cutting service (Saturday delivery), closing under-  This doesn’t count additional savings from management not
      utilized postal stations, and laying off employees.   needed for overseeing non-existent operations.
      A little inspiration                                  This also doesn’t count profits for Starbucks stockholders, their
      The solution is in one word: Starbucks.               ripple effect on the overall economy, and boosts to each com-
      Already striving to replace the town square, the coffee giant   munity by encouraging more foot traffic and downtown interac-
      seeks to open two new shops daily. With over 13,000 current   tions and sales.
      US locations, they’re running out of viable opportunities for find-  A little food for thought
      ing new customers.                                    The Post Office is doing what it must to survive, selling sup-
      A little explanation                                  plies, products, and now clothing.
      Assume there are 2,000 communities under 2,000 people in the   And while I’m not suggesting selling naming rights on each
      US, and five-day delivery continues to them all. This eliminates   building (yet!), why not coffee and biscotti?
      Congressional concerns about rural cutbacks.          Naturally, not everyone will offer their stamp of approval. But
      We stop home delivery from the remaining 29,232 locations,   given the real potential for the Postal Service to crash and burn
      forcing people to come to the Post Office to pick up their mail.   VERY soon, it’s time for bold thinking.
      This helps make our communities more tightly knit, returns the   Maybe a bold, dark roast is the answer.
      Post Office as the social center of town, and encourages down-
      town stability and retail sales.
      Next the Post Office rents space for a Starbucks kiosk at each
      of these 29,232 locations.
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