Page 46 - Jo Dee C Jacob Girl Scouts CEO
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If they sat on a couch that had a favorite afghan, make sure the   over, these specialized programs enhance peace of mind, dignity
     afghan comes with them. If they spent time in their bedroom, try   and comfort during otherwise difficult moments.
     to arrange the bedside table and lamp on the same side they are   LightBridge has been a leader in developing specialized programs
     accustomed to it.                                       for families experiencing their end of life journey.  The dementia
     You can spray their pillow and room with their favorite cologne or   program is just one example. Jill Mendlen, LightBridge President/
     perfume for a familiar scent.  The less change in environment the   CEO commented, “Our clinical teams are committed to making the
     dementia patient experiences, the higher they will function” said   journey as gentle and peaceful as possible for all hospice patients”.
     Cindy.                                                  The LightBridge Hospice Community Foundation continues to fulfill
     Often as people age you will see a change in eating habits.  As we   its mission with the support of donors; individuals, corporations and
     age we lose, our sense of taste and foods taste, bland so more   foundations.  On Sunday, October 20, the LightBridge Foundation
     spicy items may be preferred.  Bitter is the last taste sense  we lose   Walk will take place at NTC Park in Liberty Station in San Diego.
     so things that normally tasted good may taste bitter.  Sweet is the   This year’s theme will be focused on Veterans  and will have  dis-
     least prominent taste so they frequently need more sweeteners for   tinctive displays and demonstrations.   Proceeds from the walk will
     food to taste sweet to them.  A large plate with too much food may   contribute to specialized programs for those facing their end of life
     be overwhelming for someone with dementia.  Cindy shared that a   journey.
     person’s “vision may be impaired and they are unable to see food   For more information about LightBridge Hospice & Palliative Care
     directly in front of them.  To find  their best field of vision you can of-  please call (858) 458-2992 or visit their website www.lightbridge-
     fer their favorite food in a brightly colored bowl and move it around  For more information on the LightBridge Walk
     until they reach for it”.  Some people forget what utensils are or,   or the LightBridge Hospice Community Foundation, please call
     have difficulty using them, so finger foods are a good option.  858.500.7545, email, or visit the website at
     Another component of the extensive dementia training LightBridge
     Hospice staff receives involves the use of a variety of tools to
     enhance care.  These tools include music
     therapy, relaxation techniques, healing
     touch, aromatherapy, therapeutic mas-
     sage, and behavioral management/re-
     sponse techniques. Payment for hospice
     services is covered by Medicare, MediCal
     and most insurance plans, however, the
     costs of many of the therapeutic tools
     such as aromatherapy and healing touch
     are not covered.  This is where Light-
     Bridge Hospice Community Foundation
     steps in.
 46  LightBridge Hospice Community Founda-
     tion is a non-profit organization founded
     with the thoughtful support of those
     touched by the care they have received
     at LightBridge Hospice.  The Foundation
     funds exceptional programs that enhance
     the end of life journey for all hospice
     patients. These programs include integra-
     tive therapies such as Aromatherapy, Pet
     Therapy, Healing Touch™ and Simple
     Gifts, grants for end of life wishes and
     unfulfilled dreams.
     The LightBridge Foundation also pro-
     vides music therapy through the Norma
     Sluizer Music Therapy Fund which sup-
     ports purchasing CD’s and CD players as
     well as a certified harp therapist.   Certi-
     fied from the International Harp Therapy
     Program in San Diego, LightBridge’s harp
     therapist is trained to find the “resonant
     tone of individuals and then use an
     improvisational method of attending to a
     person based on their resonance”.  Their
     harpist has attended specialized training
     for interacting with patients with demen-
     tia.  Patients consistently experience
     positive results from the music therapy
     program.    The LightBridge Hospice clini-
     cal teams consistently witness positive,
     measureable results including lowered
     blood pressure, decreased heart rate,
     reduced anxiety, and increased mood
     elevation from music therapy and the
     other programs supported by LightBridge
     Hospice Community Foundation.   More-
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