Page 44 - Jo Dee C Jacob Girl Scouts CEO
P. 44

My Worst Date Ever-                                     bump on my head and pain in my side, but I told him I was okay. It
                                                             was pitch dark, I didn’t know exactly where we were, and we didn’t
                                                             have cell phones at that time. What else could we do but hitchhike?
     The Mechanic                                            I must have faded out for a while, because the next thing I knew,
                                                             I was in the backseat of a white Cadillac; David was in the front,
                                                             talking to the man driving. I felt a little relief, thinking that I would be
                                                             going to the hospital, or at least home.
                                         By Linda Mullin     When we were dropped off at the service station (where David
                                                             worked) I was not feeling well at all. As I climbed into the station’s
                                                             tow-truck, I figured I could rest my eyes until he got me home. It
                                                             was already 2:30 in the morning, and I wasn’t going to be in good
     David had dark wavy hair, chocolate brown eyes, and a great   shape for work.
     smile. He also had a full time job and a brand new car. After being   When I opened my eyes again, we were back on that dark road
     introduced by a mutual friend, I thought I had hit the jack pot when   where this had all started. I looked at David with disbelief. He
     he asked me out. He picked me up at eight o'clock on a Friday   explained that as long as we were in the tow-truck, we could pull up
     evening. We were going to a little country western bar in Auburn,   his wrecked vehicle before the people whose yard it was in, woke
     N.Y., about twenty miles from my home. I was a little apprehen-  up and completely flipped.
     sive at first, not knowing much about country music. David was


     very charming though, and even taught me a few dance steps.   And there was the  vehicle, lying on its side, the windshield
     We talked, laughed, and even danced a little, and I finally relaxed   smashed where apparently I had hit it. We first had to right the car
     enough to really enjoy myself. As we both had to work the next day,   and as David winched it up to the embankment, I had to get in and
     we decided to leave around one a.m.                     help steer.
     We held hands in the parking lot, and I decided that if he asked, I   After dropping off the wreck, he took me to an all night restaurant
     was most definitely going to see him again. We drove home on the   and poured coffee into me: He was afraid to let me fall asleep with
     back roads; since we were both from small towns and knew them   a head injury. He finally drove me home at around five-thirty in the
     all.                                                    morning. As we sat in the front of my house, he explained that while
     We talked about our jobs and families, and when he asked me to   he really did like me a lot-maybe it wasn’t the right time for us to
     sit closer to him, I scooted right over and let his arm drape over my   date. As I got out of the tow-truck, he put his hand on my arm. “That
     shoulders. After about ten minutes of driving, he turned his head to   was one hell of a kiss,” he said with a smile.
     offer me a kiss. Caught up in the moment, I began to kiss him back.  I went to work the next day with three cracked ribs, a bruised shoul-
     The next thing I remember, I was sitting alongside a two lane coun-  der, and a concussion. To this day I still wish I could remember that
     try road. David was standing over me, asking if I was alright. I had a   kiss.
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