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Girl Puhlease! The Lies we Tell Ourselves in

                      Hopes Other Girls Will Believe Them

                                                                                      By Hannah Cunningham

       As I teeter on the brink of 30 I’m starting to feel an insa-  them to you because he got caught cheating or you tried to
       tiable need to speak truths and surround myself with friends   dump him for treating you like crap. Yea, I’m so suuure those
       who are confident enough to do so. And yet, I remain to be   flowers arrived “’just because.”’ Birthday and anniversary
       the biggest hypocrite in a lot of ways. I’m drawn to all imag-  flowers, fine, but “’just because flowers.,”’ I’m skeptical as
       es of perfection and secretly long to be perfect in someone’s   to why those even exist.
       eyes. I also still love my friends and unless there’s
       an extreme case of ‘I cannot believe you’re faking
       it THIS much that your life is perfect.’ I have no
       intention of dumping them as friends.
       For instance, I love style, home, beauty and fashion
       blogs where the protagonist’s life appears to be per-
       fect. Hell, I even bad mouth the blogs I see where
       the girl giving the fashion tip of the week looks
       anything less than a pop star. I’ve noticed that the
       most popular fashion, style, mommy, home, DIY
       blogs all portray a glossy Martha Stewart-esque fin-
       ish to them.  They create a fantasy of perfection.
       Just like Pinterest can make you feel like a mess
       of a person because you don’t DIY (do it yourself)
       holiday cards out of organic papyrus reed that you
       grew and hand pressed ALL year long, or spend
       hours building a marshmallow winter wonderland to
       bring as a hostess gift to the holiday party you’re
       attending [insert gag reflex here].
        I love visiting glossy blogs (as I’m going to refer to
       them from now on) and studying the photo updates
       because I feel like I know the perfect little fam-
       ily, in their perfect little house re-decorating their
       formerly ho-hum living room from start to finish,                                                               San Diego  Woman
       while caring for their perfect little baby dressed in
       perfect little outfits. It’s the stalker in me and the
       dreamer in me and the writer/cynic in me all being
       pulled to the forefront during my blog reviewing
       experience. My imagination runs wild entering the                                                              41
       reality of someone else’s life as if I should know it
       personally. The cynic in me creates scenarios (and
       even dialogue) of who these people really are behind
       the controlled stage of the blog, - and the dreamer
       in me longs for IT ALL. My crazy says, “If I study
       it hard enough I can re-create this. I can someday
       portray my dream of the beautiful little home,
       perfect husband and adorable baby.”. But the truth is there   Imagine what a cooler world it would be if when you show
       will ALWAYS be the illusions of perfections for the next step   up to party and you ask Cynthia how things with her boy-
       I don’t have. I went through it when everyone I knew from   friend of 8 months are, she responds, “Generally good but
       Iowa got married, and again when the rest of my San Diegan   I’m struggling with this whole trying to figure out how to
       friends are going through it now, but now we’ve upped the   live together idea.” Instead I usually hear, “Things are soo
       antie. It’s not just a husband in your 30s, it’s a husband, a   good! They really are, they really are, they really are, like
       house, and babies.                                       sooosooooo good. How are things with you and your man?”
       The glossy blogs remind me of Mad Men where 1950s house   We’ve become conditioned to act this way because heaven
       wives were perfectly done up to greet their husbands and   forbid we should be experiencing a challenge in a relation-
       make peanut butter sandwiches for their children all day.   ship and expose ourselves. We’ve bought into the idea that
       When behind closed doors they can’t even sit down because   everyone who portrays perfection lives perfection, and there-
       their dresses are so tight and/or they’re suffering from one   fore how could we ever share anything less than sunshine and
       hell of an identity crisis, having had to adopt the husband’s   diamond rings? Catch my drift, yet?
       identity for so long.                                    Yes, I always try to follow the herd and still don’t know
       Don’t get sucked into the “I’ll have what she’s showing off   who I am, but at least I appreciate a good truth amidst the
       on social media” either. Girl, Puhlease, you ain’t foolin’ no   Pinterest layer cake lies girls tell on the daily. Being honest
       one when your girls know you and your boyfriend are on the   with your friends feels good and let’s you know who your true
       rocks and you post a picture of flowers you received - caption   friends are - fast.
       reading: “So nice to get flowers from my honey just
       because…” [Insert double gag reflex here].  Truth: he sent
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