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Tips from Fashion Week
San Diego’s designers
By Lisa Matar
Photography by Jon Bagalso Photography
While mingling at a cocktail reception at Roppongi
Restaurant and Sushi Bar in La Jolla, the designers for
Fashion Week San Diego 2013 were announced. I had
the opportunity get inside some of San Diego’s most
influential fashion minds to hear their take on an age old
question. How can we help the men in our lives dress
more fashionably without over reaching?
Over the past few decades, men’s fashion has obviously
gone through a major overhaul. In both the personal and
professional realms, it has become acceptable for men’s
style to become less formal, more casual. As we all know, look. Asking if Allison has helped him, he quickly responded, “Yes!
42 there is a big difference between casual and sloppy. To pull off con- Of course! She loves fashion and shopping. She has a great eye”.
temporary casual menswear, it requires some thoughtfulness and in
some cases, direction from experts and the women in their lives. Aside from shopping together, Allison suggests new items and en-
courages him to have fun with his clothes while still being a classic
gentleman. “I love him in his new signature bow tie”.
Native Southern Californian and Fashion Week 2013 designer
Maralonzo Hernandez, has a stepbrother in his 30’s who has real- With a little inspiration, courage and kid gloves, we San Diego
ized he has been influenced by his designer stepbrother. Single and women can help our men present themselves with panache. Keep it
thinking he should fix the fashion in his life, he wants to incorporate fun, an uplifting experience and our guys will follow our lead. As we
better style, and is asking Maralonzo for help. Alejandro Vazquez, all know, the women wear the fashion pants in the family. Buckle up
Maralonzo’s business partner chimes in, “Jeans have become and be inspiring!
too casual, too comfortable”. He suggests taking jeans and make
them “more grand by dressing them up. Think sophisticated”. As For more fashion inspiration, Fashion Week San Diego will be held
Maralonzo says, “style has to come from within and in some cases, September 30- October 6th. The excitement will be held at Broad-
taught how to pull it off in a beautiful way”. Maralonzo way Pier in Downtown San Diego.
is doing just that for his stepbrother. For some guys out there, they
need a confidant, a trusted person to engage in fashion discussions.
According to Vazquez: “If the women push it the men will change. At
the end of the day, we (men) follow!” FIVE STEPS FOR ENHANCING MEN’S FASHION
C Venti designer Christina Ventimiglia has found herself being a full 1. ENCOURAGE THEM TO ASK FOR HELP. Personal shoppers,
time fashion designer and contributor to Fashion Week San Diego fashion forward friends or a stylish woman, are all perfect places to
2013. At home, she is has fallen into the role of fashion consultant to seek guidance.
her loving beau. She takes the initiative to purchase the clothing to 2. FIND A STYLE THEY ADMIRE AND INTERPRET IT. Magazines,
suit his skin tone while being mindful of patterns in the textiles. Her Movies and Social Events are great places to watch what men are
inspiration is GQ magazine where she finds a look then nudges him wearing. Don’t be afraid to try out what you see.
to try it for himself. “I think a lot of times, although men see it in a 3. DO NOT CHANGE TOO MUCH TOO FAST. Making drastic
magazine and like it, they may be afraid to try it… but once they are changes will not last simply because men need to evolve into new
influenced by a woman, they say “wow, why didn’t I try that sooner”? trends to feel comfortable. Take it one step at a time.
4.FIND A SIGNATURE LOOK. Being consistent with a vibrant sock
Prior to marrying Allison Andrews, the founder of Fashion Week San or bold accessory for a season can become a signature look that
Diego, Elliot Canter admits he had found few occasions in the past can evolve over the coming seasons.
to dress up in San Diego. Now that he attends press events, fashion 5. INVEST IN A TAILOR. Gained or lost a few pounds? A tailor
shows and various other industry events with his wife, he needed should be top on your list of places to seek assistance. A precise
to step up his style. He makes more of an effort. Elliot sees a lot of pant or sleeve length with a crisp hem is critical to a finished look.
variety in men’s fashion and believes it is best for men to not make
a drastic change but rather enhance the style, not re-work the whole