Page 17 - Bobbye and Tonilee Social Media Issue
P. 17
Transitions with Carol LeBeau
It’s Time to Take a Stand!
Have you heard? • Take more short breaks to stand and stretch (or walk) How
When it comes to ‘bout setting a timer?
your health, sitting • Hold meetings standing up (you’ll save lots of time on this
may be the new one!)
smoking! While • Stand up when talking on the phone. (This really works for
the analogy may me and studies show you’ll be perceived as having a better
seem far-fetched, attitude, to boot!).
many scientists • Consider a standing desk (or just raise your old one).
and medical • Set up your office so things aren’t within arm’s reach.
experts are con- • Read standing up. Studies show you’ll actually remember
vinced prolonged more!
sitting is bad for
your health. Want more motivation? Standing for just two hours during an
average workday can burn an extra 280 calories.
Perhaps we Folks, we have to intentionally move. Our daily activities not
should know this longer require it. So, let’s all get up off our duffs.
intuitively. After
a long road trip If you’ll excuse me, I have to return a phone call. I think I’ll do
or plane flight, it standing up!
doesn’t it feel
good to get up
and stretch? Now
there’s solid science that proves it’s more than a feeling. A
leading science and sports association recently released the
results of a study that found time spent on our backsides is
linked to higher rates of death and disease. San Diego Woman
Think about it. Even if we carve out time for exercise and
leisure time activities, we still sit for long stretches working at
a desk, sitting in class, riding in a car, working at a computer,
watching TV or playing video games. Sadly, all that fanny time 17
may be killing us.
Long bouts on our bums can cause serious physiological re-
sponses related to chronic disease and a shortened life span.
The University of Queensland found that people who stood up
frequently had lower levels of C-reactive protein (a marker for
blood fat). They also had smaller waistlines. And in a crucial
finding, it was the frequency of standing, not the duration that
One study found that a woman’s risk of developing metabolic
syndrome increased 26% for every extra hour of sitting. Long
periods of sitting in an upright position can also strain your
back, causing chronic pain. Blood clots are another risk of be-
ing inactive.
Standing more often throughout the day can improve circula-
tion, muscle tone and vitality. It can also help keep blood flow-
ing freely to your head and that’s good for keeping your brain
Bottom line…too much bottom time is bad for your health.
More and more studies are coming to the same conclusion:
when you sit, your body pretty much stops working. So con-
sider spending more of your day upright: