Page 21 - Bobbye and Tonilee Social Media Issue
P. 21

Website Faux Pas:

       5 Things NOT to Have on Your Website

       When it comes to website design, most of us spend more   ing and annoying to the visitor. If your visitor takes the time
       time trying to add things to our website than being concerned   to open your homepage, respect their time by keeping the
       about what things should not be on the website. In today’s   pop-ups (usually banner ads) away. Make sure the videos can
       highly competitive web world, our website is the single most   be turned off.
       important communication tool that we have. Our website is our   Do NOT use muted, dull colors on your website. Colors illicit
                                                                                                         emotion and
                                                                                                          the right
                                                                                                          colors can be
                                                                                                          very effective
                                                                                                          in attracting
                                                                                                          and even
                                                                                                          your visi-
                                                                                                          tors. Consult
                                                                                                          with others
                                                                                                          on color
                                                                                                          schemes for
                                                                                                          your website
                                                                                                          to help com-
                                                                                                          municate the
                                                                                                          right mes-
                                                                                                          sage for your
                                                                                                          Do NOT use
                                                                                                          fonts, graph-
                                                                                                          ics or styles
                                                                                                          that “date”
                                                                                                          your website.  San Diego
                                                                                                          Be careful of   Woman
                                                                                                          using clip-art
                                                                                                          or cheap-
                                                                                                          graphics that  21
                                                                                                          diminish your
                                                                                                          ism. Look at
                                                                                                          other web-
                                                                                                          sites in your
                                                                                                          industry and
                                                                                                          get ideas of
                                                                                                         how to make
       storefront, our face, and we have about 5 seconds on average   yours look current, contemporary and relevant.
       to attract attention and keep it on our site. So, if people are   Take a closer look at your website and see if it passes our
       critical of our website, it is usually related to something that   “faux pas” test. If so, congratulations! If not, we recommend
       probably should not be on it. We have a compiled list of our   seeking out professionals who can help you achieve the best
       top 5 things NOT to have on your website.               website design for the image and message you want to por-
       Do NOT use excessive text that requires the visitor to read the   tray.
       page. We recommend having more “white space” than text,
       mainly because our world today has a bullet-point mentality. It
       is more effective to use short tags that can be quickly seen and
       read. If using more text as content, add pictures, images or   About the Authors:
       even a video to break up the content.                   Tonilee Adamson and Bobbye Brooks are co-owners of Media
       Do NOT use such large graphics that your website takes sev-  4 Women Enterprises, a marketing and media company that
       eral seconds to open. People will leave a website quickly if the   helps people achieve entrepreneurial success. From website
       page is slow to reveal its content. Remember, most of us want   design, video production, book publishing and social media
       to open a website, scan it quickly and  make an assessment,   marketing, Tonilee and Bobbye work with individuals and busi-
       either favorable or unfavorable, in a matter of seconds. Make   nesses of every type. Visit to learn
       sure your website opens instantly with all of the graphics and   more about their services.
       videos ready to play.
       Do NOT use extensive pop-ups, flashing banners, or videos
       that cannot be muted. Too much movement can be distract-
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