Page 24 - Bobbye and Tonilee Social Media Issue
P. 24

SOCIAL ME-ME-MEDIA                                                            By Robert Tussey

     The trouble with the march of technology is that the parade moves faster and is a younger crowd and we boomers don’t hold the pace as well as
     we used to.  As a writer I must, if I’m to be successful, add all of the most popular social media gadgets to my toolbox.  I need to be LinkedIn, have
     a face on FaceBook, tweet and twitter until my fingers are numb, blog, web, and have one of those little symbols (on everything that is socially me)
     that the smart phones use to drive them to my website.  I must YouTube myself.  It’s all about – me. I’ve got more passwords to these social get-to-
     know-and-love-me sites than the MPG on a Prius.
     We boomers were the original ‘I, Me, Mine’ generation and took a lot of grief for it.  Now, with this virtual ‘I’m everywhere all the time’ paradigm we
     seem like pikers. That said, cyberspace has become our second home. Whether we use Android or iPhone or iPad has become another question
     we must address to succeed in business.  I hear the Blackberry fans moaning.  Sorry, but you’re being left behind by quicker more user-friendly
     software designed specifically for people like me who struggled with RIM and quickly bolted to the friendlier cyberspace of Apple and Android
     (please, no cards and letters).
     The simple fact is we must keep up and take part in the new innovations of doing business or we will most certainly fail.  We creative types, in our
     ever pressing desire to be heard, seen, or read, have always battled for the public’s attention.  Self sponsorship has become de rigueur. Today
     Narcissus and his pond seem casual observers in the throes of the self promotion and in your face approach to staying ahead of the curve.
     Product or service based businesses are in the same boat.  There are few completely unique business models so we must make the most of what
     we are and prove that we are the worthy choice.  It’s exhausting! There’s nothing like coming home after a twelve hour day and updating all of our
     blogs, tweets, LinkedIn and website accounts before we can consider dinner and the family.  This is after touching all of these technologies during
                                                                                                       the day at traf-
                                                                                                        fic lights and
                                                                                                        the drive-thru
                                                                                                        burger line.
                                                                                                        What I’m look-
                                                                                                        ing for (in soft-
                                                                                                        ware) for the
                                                                                                        smart phone
                                                                                                        is Dragon type
                                                                                                        software that
                                                                                                        we can dictate
                                                                                                        to and IM from
                                                                                                        to Twitter and
                                                                                                        texts, and
 24                                                                                                     update our
                                                                                                        blogs (The new
                                                                                                        iPhone 4S with
                                                                                                        SiRi is moving
                                                                                                        rapidly in that
                                                                                                        That would
                                                                                                        take hands
                                                                                                        free to the next
                                                                                                        The gist is that
                                                                                                        social media,
                                                                                                        in all of its
                                                                                                        incarnations, is
                                                                                                        a simple fact of
                                                                                                        doing business
                                                                                                        today and we
                                                                                                        can’t dismiss
                                                                                                        the incred-
                                                                                                        ible power it
                                                                                                        Alvin Toffler, in
                                                                                                        his book Future
                                                                                                        Shock, spoke
                                                                                                        of a society
                                                                                                        moving so fast
                                                                                                        it would leave a
                                                                                                        great portion of
                                                                                                        it behind.  We
                                                                                                        simply can’t
                                                                                                        afford, in order
                                                                                                        to succeed,
                                                                                                        to watch that
                                                                                                        train leave the
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