Page 29 - Bobbye and Tonilee Social Media Issue
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Then Ysabel lost her job of 20 years. She lost all her medical Since Ysabel’s lay-off, she has still, unfortunately, not found employ-
benefits. And then… she got breast cancer again. This time, her ment, and her husband is once again away for four months on a job
husband, Vince, was better prepared and gave her all the love to support the family. But Ysabel is not someone to sit around. Be-
and emotional support she needed. But they are a family—like so fore her second bout of cancer, Ysabel got involved with a non-profit
many millions of Americans—without health insurance. To support organization called “Athletes For Education” (AFE) and helped Tra
the family financially, Vince had to go out of state for four months, Battle, who plays for the UFL Virginia Destroyers, with his program
so Ysabel’s mother moved in to help her daughter. Having lost her called “Battle 4 Success”—a mentorship program through AFE.
husband a few years before after 39 years of marriage, Ysabel’s Since 2007, Ysabel has donated much of her time creating, organiz-
mother was still healing from the loss a beloved husband, so Ysa- ing, and leading community events from Thanksgiving food give-
bel’s diagnosis came as more salt in the wounds. But resilient as aways to holiday parties to hospital visits—all for those in need. The
ever, Francisca helped her daughter through this second round of President and founder of “Athletes For Education,” Steven Haynes,
multiple surgeries and more chemotherapy. suggested that Ysabel start her own non-profit program with AFE,
so with the desire to serve others as well as her love of angels and
Ysabel found strength to fight this battle again. She said she the color pink, “Ysabels’ Pink Angels” was conceived.
decided she would embrace positivism and not let anything bring Steven, who Ysabel spoke of highly for all his work with AFE,
her down—not even an insensitive doctor. Thankfully, this time the passed away suddenly this year, but Ysabel’s program, thanks
news was broken to her gently. Her doctor told Ysabel that the last to Steven and her efforts, flourishes. Ysabel has already done so
thing she needed to worry about was how she would pay for her much in the San Diego community, from helping with the “Read-
care. Ysabel was enrolled in The Breast and Cervical Cancer Treat- ing for Life Literacy Program at Joyner Elementary,” to organizing
ment Program immediately. This time though she wanted a double turkey and toy giveaways; sports camps and movie nights; as well
mastectomy. She was not willing to go through all this grief again, as making hospital visits with athletes and celebrities. Teaming up
just for the cancer to reappear a few years later. So on October with an AFE supporter, countless stuffed animals were donated to
children who are suffering from diseases.
Receiving huge bunnies at Easter
brought smiles to everyone’s faces as
can be seen on Ysabel’s Pink Angels
link on the AFE website. (http://www.
html) Ysabel also coordinates trips to
the stadium where groups of twenty
underprivileged students, who excel
in academics, attendance, fitness,
and citizenship, get to go to a Charger
game, snacks and excitement included.
And this is just the beginning of how
her program is bringing joy to others. San Diego
(Please visit Woman
abels-pink-angels.html to see pictures
and descriptions of all the events.)
As we talk about all the good in her life 29
as well as her challenging experiences,
she returns to the subject of her son.
Ysabel could not have more children for
other unrelated health issues, so she
considers Vince Jr. her “miracle baby.”
An outstanding young man who just got
accepted to “Border Patrol Explorers,”
she beams when she talks about him.
Ysabel also tears up again when she
tells me about her husband’s job, how
times are tough, and how much she
29th, 2010, she had both her breasts removed and began the pro- misses Vince when he is away. But, despite all her challenges, she
cess for reconstruction—a process which took two more surgeries, wants me to know one thing: “God is good.” Without wavering, she
the final one on August 15th, 2011. states clearly: “If it were not for the love of God, my family, and my
We talked a bit about reconstruction as it’s easy for someone to say friends, I would not be here.” And she is here. She is here thriving
that “breasts aren’t important, life is,” but for a woman having her and even helping others. She is more than a survivor. She is a posi-
breasts reconstructed, it can be part of the healing process. Recon- tive woman who chooses to look forward and Be Happy.
struction is a personal choice, but one that is not always covered by
our health care system. Despite the fact that on October 21st, 1998,
a law was signed, The Women's Health and Cancer Rights Act
(WHCRA), that helps protect many women who want reconstruction
after mastectomies, there are some exceptions. From the research I
uncovered, it is disheartening that some women in the U.S. are still
not automatically covered. Fortunately, Ysabel has a voice, and she
was able to get the reconstruction she needed. (For more about re-
construction coverage please visit