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Living Better Longer

                                                                                           Photos By Lisa K. Miller

     It was a somewhat unusual encounter of two friends at a golf   dose of the required hormones allowing the patient to experience
     course that led to the origination of one of the most well respected   the benefit while limiting the risks.
     compounding pharmacies in the country.  Deb Hubers and Chris   Dr Mimi Guarneri, founder and Medical Director of Scripps Center
     Givant are two professional women from Iowa who took a chance   for Integrative Medicine and Board Certified in Cardiology, Internal
     on a dream fueled by a cause close to their heart, and turned it into   Medicine and Holistic Medicine is one of the physicians who utilize
     a success.  La Vita Compounding Pharmacy is a women owned   the services of La Vita.   In a recent interview with Dr. Guarneri we
     and primarily woman staffed (with the exception of one male phar-  asked why she chooses a compounding pharmacy for her patient’s
     macist) facility located in Sorrento Valley.            pharmaceutical needs.    “A compounding pharmacy can make your
     Not everyone understands what a compounding pharmacy is and   prescriptions in cream.  The advantage to using a bio-identical hor-
     why it is necessary.  For most of us when we think of pharmacies,   mone in cream form, in place of a pill or patch, is that the absorp-
     the large, in store pharmacy immediately comes to mind.  The   tion is not going through the liver.  It also provides us the ability to
     difference between these traditional pharmacies and one such as   customize the strength of each hormone we prescribe to make the
     La Vita is the ability to customize a medication based on a doctor’s   perfect combination as needed for each patient.  It allows us to start
     prescription and a patient’s individual needs and concerns.  This   with very low dosages and work our way up as indicated by the
     ability becomes even more important when you are dealing with   response of our patient to the prescribed medication.”
                                              substances     La Vita is a full service compounding pharmacy, which means they
                                              such as Bio-   carry both traditional medication lines and are capable of prepar-
                                              identical hor-  ing customized prescriptions through the compounding arm of their
                                              mones, utilized   pharmacy.  They specialize in compounding in the areas of skin
                                              by so many     care, pain management, and bio-identical hormones.  Not to say
                                              women today.   this is all they do, but they are considered the best  in their ability
                                              I asked Chris,   to not only provide customized formulas individualized to each pa-
                                              compounding    tient’s needs, but they also provide some of the best customer care
                                              pharmacist     around.  Even during our short time interviewing Deb and Chris, re-
                                              and co-founder   quests for help from the staff manning the customer counters were
 10                                           of La Vita, to   met with an enthusiastic response providing answers to customer’s
                                              explain what   questions and concerns coming directly from the co-founder of the
                                              exactly bio-   company.
                                              identical hor-  One of the greatest aspects of La Vita Compounding Pharmacy
                                              mones are and   is their dedication to educating women.  Since they serve as both
                                              how they dif-  a compounding and traditional pharmacy, they have no agenda
                                              fered from the   to sway their clients in one direction or another.  As Deb notes,
                                              hormones that   “We have a full service pharmacy here. I can sell you a synthetic
                                              were previously   hormone or a bio-identical hormone, but the truth is that we have
                                              prescribed for   to look at ourselves in the mirror at night.”  One of the important
                                              women.  “What   factors to note is that both Deb and Chris are not only proponents
                                              is different   of bio-identical hormone therapy when needed,  they are both
                                              about bio-iden-  currently taking these hormones, so they can speak from personal
                                              tical hormones   experience.
                                             is that they are   With so many questions regarding the use of bio-identical hor-
     naturally based with a molecular structure that is identical under   mones, the women of La Vita have taken it upon themselves to
     a microscope to the hormones naturally produced by a woman   create a series of lectures and informational programs which are
     throughout her lifetime.  Therefore it is easier for the body to assimi-  meant to simply dispel myths and provide answers to questions that
     late it as its own.  Synthetic hormones, which were previously pre-  women are often too embarrassed to ask.  Their “Wine, Women
     scribed, are made from female horse urine, so it is not something   and Hormones” program is held monthly allowing attendees to ask
     that the body recognizes as its own. People sometimes think that   questions, listen to informative content and of course share a glass
     the important factor with a substance is that it is natural.  This may   of wine and great conversation with other women  who have similar
     not always be true.  For example, Arsenic is natural but we don’t   concerns. Deb lights up when she talks about these events. “We
     want to put that in our systems.  Previously when insulin was made   start our Wine, Women and Hormones sessions by talking about
     from pork or beef we had all sorts of rejection issues surrounding its   common symptoms that women are experiencing. Are you tired of
     use, but as soon as they came up with a new form of insulin identi-  being tired? Do you have foggy thoughts? Are you so irritated that
     cal to the molecular structure of human insulin the rejection issues   you feel like you want to eat your kids for lunch? Do you find that
     stopped.  Beef and pork are natural, but not to the human body.”    you just don’t want to have sex anymore? Are you having problems
     The beauty of a compounding pharmacy is the customization fac-  sleeping? Are you gaining weight around the middle?  After this
     tor.  Since there are still many questions and concerns surrounding   litany of questions comes the responses from the women which are
     the use of hormones and the possible negative side effects that   always…yes yes yes! We want to help these women to know they
     might arise from their use, it is imperative that our physicians take   are not alone and there is hope. They do not have to go through
     into account how to fix hormonal issues with a minimal dosage of   the rest of their lives feeling this way.” After speaking with several
     hormones, as needed by the individual patient.  With the use of a   attendees to these events, it is obvious that the La Vita ladies are
     compounding pharmacy a doctor can prescribe an extremely low   making a difference.
                                                  November/December 2010
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