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Fight Back for Your Bone’s Sake
By Melissa Allen
Osteoporosis, by definition, is a disorder in which the bones be- porosis and chooses to fight back with a weight-bearing exercise
come increasingly brittle and porous and subject to fracture. Accord- program, should begin with low-impact exercise and gradually
ing to the National Osteoporosis Foundation, osteoporosis causes increase the length of time the exercise is performed. As a personal
over 1.5 million fractures each year in the United States alone, and trainer, I’ve worked with many people with osteoporosis, but one
of that number, 80% of the people diagnosed are women. Rather in particular stands out…a female client by the name of “Edie” that
than turn to pharmaceutical agents to assist with osteoporosis, was over the age of 50 and recently diagnosed with osteoporosis.
weight-bearing exercise has been shown to have positive and last- Her doctor recommended she begin a weight-bearing exercise pro-
ing results in the fight against it. gram, and I am very proud to say that over the course of the next 3
years her bone density tests gradually
Risk factors for osteoporosis got better and better.
include aging, smoking, taking
certain medications, low body Edie’s program consisted of three
weight, and lifestyle. While the days a week of 20 minutes of cardio
disease affects both men and to warm up the muscles, followed by
women, women stand a high- weight-bearing exercises using body
er risk due to menopause. But weight, machines and free weights,
don’t think that just because and finishing with stretches. In Edie’s
you are not old enough to be case, she progressed to two sets of
affected by menopause that 12 repetitions of each exercise. One
you shouldn’t be performing of the many programs we did over
weight bearing exercise now the years was made up of a lat pull-
as a preventative measure, down for the back muscles, push-ups
rather than waiting until you from the knee position for her chest,
are a victim. an overhead dumbbell shoulder
Unless you’ve been living un- press, dumbbell bicep curls, a triceps
der a rock, you know that daily push-down, core exercises for the San Diego
exercise is recommended for abdominals and low back, and three Woman
everyone, man or woman. But different leg exercises that focused
according to the American on the quadriceps, the glutes and
College of Sports Medicine hamstrings, and the calves. While 25
(ACSM) and the American there are hundreds of exercises to
Heart Association (AHA), choose from, the most important
people under 50 should thing is that one exercise for each
engage in 30 minutes of major muscle group be incorporated
moderately intense cardio five to maintain a balanced program, and
days a week or 20 minutes that the exercises are performed
of intense cardio three days properly and safely.
a week, coupled with 8-10
strength training exercises of So don’t delay in getting started
8-12 repetitions each, twice on your way to better health! Re-
a week. This translates to the member to always check with your
fact that everyone should be doctor before beginning an exercise
doing cardiovascular exercise program and use progression, adding
as well as weight-bearing a little each day. And above all else,
(a.k.a. strengthening or resis- exercise consistency is the single
tance training) exercise. most important factor when working
While there are many vari- towards your goal and seeing results!
ances from one person to another that should be taken into con-
sideration, a balanced exercise program should include resistance Melissa Allen, BS, CPT, CES is a certified personal trainer, cor-
training, cardiovascular conditioning, and flexibility. The resistance rective exercise specialist and owner of the Optimum Condition
training may be in the form of lifting free weights, using resistance Corrective Exercise & Performance Center, located in El Cajon, CA.
machines, or body weight exercises like push-ups or lunges. Exam- We specialize in customized fitness training and corrective exercise
ples of cardiovascular exercise are walking, jogging, elliptical and for recreational athletes and special conditions, as well as guar-
stair-step exercises, just to name a few. Basically, it’s an exercise anteed weight loss programs. You can sign up for her free Fitness
that gets your heart rate up. And flexibility, or stretching, is important Tips newsletter or schedule a complimentary consultation by visiting
to prevent muscle strains and to elongate the muscle especially her website at
after exercise. The last being the most neglected area of fitness.
Provided by Visiting Angels
America’s Choice in Homecare! With that being said, a person who has been diagnosed with osteo-
November/December 2010