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Nobel Prize Substantiated Technology Helps the Body Heal

     That is what John Thorp founder of The Thorp Institute of   scientists who discovered how electrical current helps the
     Integrated Medicine, Inc. (TI) established in 1997 realized in   body heal itself substantiated microcurrent therapy, and one
     his own personal experience.                            of the physicists responsible for developing missile guidance
     John Thorp, President and founder of TI established TI as a   microchip technology created the microchip processor used
     result of a tragic, life-altering accident. A successful stuntman  in these instruments.
     in the 1970s and 1980s, Thorp’s career ended abruptly when   The microcurrent therapy stimulated the healing process in
     he shattered his leg. Doctors told Thorp that he needed a   Thorp’s body, essentially restructuring the knee joint without
     complete knee replacement and that his knee would never   surgery and drugs. Only one year from the date of the injury
     bend again. Ignoring their counsel, Thorp pursued microcur-  Thorp ran his first triathlon. Even now, twenty-four years
     rent therapy recommended                                                              later, his knee is fully func-
     to him by Hollywood actor                                                             tional and pain free.
     Lee Majors. Thorp says                                                                Thorp attended the Insti-
     professional athletes such                                                            tute of Oriental Medicine in
     as Terry Bradshaw, Joe                                                                Honolulu where he studied
     Montana, and Jack Nick-                                                               acupuncture points, chan-
     laus have had good results                                                            nels, and meridians, which
     with this therapy                                                                     helped him to become
     The Thorp Institute’s                                                                 proficient in the placement
     purpose is to advance the                                                             of needles and provided
     practice of microcurrent                                                              him with the foundation to
     technology, in particular                                                             develop protocols for treat-
     FDA-registered, Class-                                                                ments. Thorp also studied
     II medical devices., the                                                              myofascial release, trigger
 28  Electro-Acuscope and                                                                  points, shiatsu, Lomi Lomi
     Myopulse. They are located                                                            (an ancient form of Hawai-
     in Encinitas and Sorrento                                                             ian massage), and Swed-
     Valley, Ca.                                                                           ish and deep tissue mas-
     Their goal is to bring the                                                            sage. He was licensed by
     Electro-Acsucope and                                                                  the State of Hawaii in 1993
     Myopulse into mainstream                                                              as a Massage Therapist.
     use in the fields of pain                                                             Thorp spent a decade
     management for humans                                                                 working in clinics with chi-
     and animals, detoxification,                                                          ropractors and doctors and
     and beauty care. The TI                                                               their chronic pain patients,
     vision is to improve health                                                           fine-tuning his clinically
     care quality while lower-                                                             proven protocols and train-
     ing health care costs, to                                                             ing others how to use them
     shift from a sickness to a                                                            with consistent results. He
     wellness paradigm in health                                                           was hired by the Castle
     care.                                                                                 Medical Center in Hawaii
     This technology is unique                                                             at the Work Well Reha-
     in that the instruments                                                               bilitation Center, where he
     decipher abnormal tis-                                                                oversaw 40-plus patients a
     sue response to a minute                                                              day. John has owned and
     electrical current adminis-                                                           managed medical clinics
     tered through the skin and                                                            over the past twenty years.
     adjust an electrical output back into the body. This corrective   Thorp’s mission is to bring this award winning equipment into
     current normalizes or relaxes damaged tissue, thus allowing   mainstream use in the fields of pain management, detoxifica-
     the body to return to homeostasis and heal. The treatment is   tion, and beauty care.
     non-invasive and virtually painless. The Institute’s Microcur-  To learn more about John and what he does, pick up a copy
     rent therapy is intended to help the body heal itself better,   of his soon to be released new book entitled "From Stuntman
     stronger, and faster than other traditional treatments .   to Electro Medicine Man."
     The instruments used in this therapy were designed based   Read more on his website at http://microcurrentinstruments.
     on a combination of technologies. Nobel-prize winning   com

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