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Humble-Bee Diaper Bags ents. There are many of reflective straps is machine washable,
exterior utility pockets that are included. This so no worries about
When you are new be a thing of the past. to keep essentials easi- allows you to use it as spills. It also has an
parents, you soon real- This doesn't have to be ly accessible. a shoulder bag or as a all-weather water
ize how much it takes the case anymore with We tested out the bag that straps seam- repellent exterior. The
to venture outside. All Humble-Bee. Mini Charm Stroller lessly to your stroller. It bag itself only weighs
of the times in the past Humble-Bee baby organizer and were 0.6 pounds, so it won't
when you had an im- bags were created by extremely impressed. hinder you while hik-
pulse to do something, millennial parents who Say goodbye to ing your favorite trails
and you just gathered wanted their child to those big bulky or while running your
your bag and your experience all of the baby bags and say local errands.
keys, and out the door, outdoor adventures hello to an easy to Our editor, with a
you went. Now with along with them. use compact bag little one took this bag
a new little one in the Humble Bee durable that has a zipper for a trial run during
house, the impulsive and lightweight diaper to expand its size, a recent camping trip
adventures seem to bags are for active par- as well as a variety and came back, giving
it rave reviews. If you
are looking for a way
to enjoy your adven-
turous spirit without
breaking your back vis-
it their site and order
one today.
Visit their site at
Give Your Child a Head Start With Kids Stack a Peg and gears to move. On top was even more vocal
Techno Gear Toys Techno Kids Stack & of being a great learn- about how much fun
Spin Playland. These ing experience, this toy this was. Techno Gears
What is it that line of award-winning toys are recommended gave them a sense of Train helps the bud-
parent’s search for children's interactive for children ages 2+. accomplishment. ding Architects and
when selecting the educational products. With all of the moving For the staff kids Engineers to hone their
perfect toys for their All products at The parts and bright colors, who were 6 and up we skills for future careers.
children? They look Learning Journey en- the little one's eyes lit gave them the Techno Visit the Learning
for toys that are safe, courage learning and up like saucers when Gears Crazy Train to Journey International
educational, and of develop confidence as they saw the games. test out. There were at and
course, fun! Well, that is they enhance a child's You could see how ex- claps and squeals as start your children a
precisely what they get potential. All products cited they were when their creation came to jump start on the ca-
when they purchase build on the skills nec- they actually got the life. The older group reer of their dreams.
toys from The Learning essary for children to
Journey. be prepared for school
With the push to and beyond.
have more children ob- We had the plea-
taining STEM (Science sure of testing out sev-
Technology, Engineer- eral of their STEM toys
ing, Math) education with our staff’s children
and learning through and grandkids, and the
play, The Learning jour- results were a resound-
ney has a mission to ing “We Love Them!”
do just that. They have We started with the
designed and manu- younger kids, and they
factured an exclusive tested out the Techno
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