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Women of Distinction

                    Right now Wesley House can       Not only does Wesley House        In San Diego, we have over
                accommodate 34 students in their   provide housing, but they offer   11,000 non-profits doing amazing
                current facility, and at San Diego   many additional services. “Sup-  and very necessary work. With
                State University alone, there are   port services are provided for   this large number of non-profits,
                currently over 3,000 unsheltered   our residents because, although   the position of Director of Devel-
                students. “We are a drop in the   housing is the biggest hurdle,    opment can be a challenge. When
                bucket, but we are working very   the students who we serve face a   I asked Nicole what it was that
                hard to expand by partnering with  myriad of additional challenges.   she loved most about her job, she
                developers who are building large   We serve former foster youth    responded with the following, "I
                mixed-use and modular develop-    who are experiencing homeless-    love being able to interact with
                ments throughout the County. So,   ness, students who were formerly   the students. Our office is in the
                for example, ground level retail   incarcerated, and first-generation   residential complex, it's great that
                and then, four or five stories of   college students. We have pro-  we're able to be on site with them.
                residential living space. These   grams for all of our students once   Students pop in every day with all
                                                  a month on topics like financial   types of questions about every-
                                                  literacy, stress management, and   thing you can imagine... I have
                                                  voter registration. We also have   attempted to interpret blood work
                                                  individual wrap-around support    results, approved outfits for dates,
                                                  services for each student based   and reviewed resumes. I'm very
                                                  on their needs. We offer resume   honored that the students trust
                                                  review, career coaching, interview  me and come to me for help. They
                                                  attire, healthy eating, and any-  are an absolutely incredible bunch
                                                  thing and everything they could   of students. I admire them all. I
                                                  need, including mental health     struggled through college, and
                                                  care services.”                   I didn't have to deal with hous-
                                                     Wesley House also partners     ing insecurity or food insecurity.
                                                  with some amazing organizations   College by itself is hard enough
                                                  “currently we are working with    without having to deal with all of
                                                  Just In Time for Foster Youth on the  the challenges they face.
                                                  launch of our Second Start Pro-      Nicole and her husband
                                                  gram. This program provides one   Dustin, who is a professor at City
                                                  year of no-cost housing specifical-  College, share their home with
                                                  ly for foster youth experiencing   their adorable spaniel mix named
                                                  homelessness. We have a goal for   Enzo. Enzo has become a sort of
                                                  them that at the end of that year,   mascot to the residents and staff
                                                  they can transition into one of our   at Wesley House, accompanying
                                                  affordable units and stay with us   Nicole there to help make Wesley
                                                  through their college graduation.   House feel even more like home.
                                                  We launched the program this         What is in the future for
                                                  year, and it's my baby. We have   Wesley House? “We are actively
                                                  four amazing gentlemen living     growing our community partner-
                                                  with us. It's great because it's a   ships, growing our relationships
                                                  pilot program, so we get to build   with different developers, growing
                                                  it around them and make sure      our relationships with govern-
                developers allocate a portion of   that we're keeping it flexible and   ment. We're very fortunate that we
                the residential units for affordable   adaptable because every student is   just received our first government
                housing and a portion of those for   different and every foster youth is   grant from the City of San Diego.
                student housing. Wesley House     different, and everyone who expe-  So, we're extremely excited to be
                will then provide onsite support   riences homelessness is different.   working in partnership with the
                services to the student tenants   So, it's vital that we keep every-  City and USD on a non-profit
                to ensure they are successful and   thing responsive and not standard- accelerator program for small and
                graduate from college.            ized.                             emerging organizations.”

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