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P. 14

How to honor a breast cancer survivor

     Meaningful and inexpensive gifts from the heart

                                                                                            By Jen Sachs

     Leanne and her friend Joan walked down the quiet hall-   to get permission from the local park association to plant
     way of the medical building. Leanne had just heard the   the tree and then invite her closest circle of support. Allow
     news that her test results, to check to see if the cancer had   each person to share how much the woman being honored
     spread, had come back clean after receiving a double mas-  means to them and offer words of encouragement.
     tectomy the week before.
                                                               Make your friend the guest of honor
     Minutes earlier the surgeon scanned the report after it   Host a lingerie party for a friend who completed reconstruc-
     came through on the fax machine. She casually told        tion surgery. Give gift certificates or choose an elegant new
     Leanne that everything looked fine and she probably       bra or night gown to help your friend feel beautiful. Don’t
     wouldn’t need radiation.                                  forget to include a gift receipt if you give a gift. Depending
                                                               on your friend’s personality, make it fun and humorous with
     As they left the room Joan made her best attempt to sup-  breast-themed shower games and decorations, or for the
     port Leanne by enthusiastically saying, “Wow!”, “That’s   more reserved person have a quiet tea party with fancy
     great news!”, and “Thank you God!”.                       finger foods and
                                                               pretty flowers.
     Leanne was very quiet but responded, “What the surgeon
     said is just not sinking in. I don’t feel like I can really believe   Compile a recipe
     her.”                                                     binder
                                                               Gather together fa-
     The drive home was very quiet. Joan tried to show her sup-
 14  port with occasional words, but mostly she listened to the   vorite healthy recipes
     few comments Leanne offered as she continued to express   and make a cookbook
                                                               to promote health
     that she was having trouble knowing how to process her    for the future. Help
     thoughts and how to think of life now that she had finished   support your friend by
     chemotherapy treatments and surgery.                      equipping her with a
                                                               binder or recipe box
     A few weeks earlier another woman had shared with         full of cancer- fight-
     Leanne and Joan that she had experienced depression       ing yummy recipes.
     following her treatments and that this was common among   Choose recipes that
     breast cancer survivors as they transitioned to a new phase   include ingredients
     of their life.
                                                               that are high in antiox-
                                                               idants such as berries
     Reflecting on her experience with Leanne, Joan couldn’t   and colorful vegeta-
     help but think that there must be a more effective way to   bles and are also low
     support her.                                              in sugar. Have each
                                                               person who con-
     There are several ways, Joan realized, that she could do   tributes display the
     just that. You don’t have to be an artist, just ingenious in   recipe on a nice piece
     finding simple ways to say “we love you and we are so     of paper provided or
     happy that you are okay.” Try honoring your friend with   a recipe card in their
     these meaningful and inexpensive gift ideas that don’t    own creative way.
     require artistic talent.                                  Have the group meet
                                                               together for a pot-
     Tree planting ceremony                                    luck dinner with the
     Plant a seedling or tree to symbolize the beginning of a new   prepared recipe they
     chapter of life and hold a life ceremony in honor of your   contributed and pres-
     friend. Involve her in deciding what type of tree she would   ent the recipe book
     like to plant and where it will be planted. She might like to   or box to the guest of
     have it planted in her own yard or a local park. Make sure   honor.
                                                March/April 2008
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