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However, I also began to notice more and more people able for lower costs, but I always enjoy getting at least an
walking around with noticeable skin damage and the ap- hour-long facial once every 4-6 weeks. The facial process
pearance of premature wrinkles. And, I still couldn’t ignore itself differs between estheticians and by the time period
the fact that sun damage accelerates the aging process. you require, but in general a 1-hour facial should include at
I certainly did not want to look 75 when I turned 50. So, least the following elements: a skin type analysis (on the
eventually realizing that I didn’t want to go under the knife first visit), 1 or 2 deep cleanses, a 10-minute steaming and
later in life in order to maintain a more youthful appearance, exfoliation, a gentle extraction of blackheads, a treatment
I finally decided to get a facial on my own. mask to help normalize the skin, and a moisturizer and sun-
screen application to finish it up. A neck and hand or foot
I resolved to try out my wife’s esthetician Johanna massage also accompanies the steaming or mask applica-
Feiner at ‘Bella Donna’s’ in Ocean Beach, whom she had tion to help the time pass while the treatments take effect A
raved about for months. When I arrived for the first time, more advanced facial would include a chemical peel, but I
everyone in the salon probably thought I was the Unibomb- wouldn’t recommend this during your first facial as it can be
er walking in, since I was covered by a hooded shirt and somewhat uncomfortable. A chemical peel can best be de-
dark shades to avoid detection scribed as a very intense exfoliation which sheds damaged
portions of the outer layer of skin on your face, and allows
My First Facial Experience for a newer and healthier layer to form underneath.
Also, many men have no idea what the difference
Johanna was the perfect match for an apprehensive man between estheticians and dermatologists is (unless they’ve
getting his first facial, and taught me a lot about proper had to see a dermatologist in the past). Dermatologists dif-
skin care practices during my first visit. I found the experi- fer in that they should be seen for more intensive skin care
ence to be very rejuvenating and relaxing overall, which is treatments, and should be used to diagnose peculiar skin
exactly what the process is intended to accomplish. I was conditions. An esthetician performs more of a ‘salon’ type
very nervous and uncomfortable at first, but she was very treatment, and helps to maintain a more regular and less
gentle and professional while taking time to make sure that abrasive regimen to maintain skin health. Liz Trejo with
she explained every step of the process to me as we pro- ‘Peak Performance’ states that “estheticians spend much
ceeded. My facial included a head, neck and hand mas- more time with patients with regular monthly appointments,
sage, which also added an element of relaxation. This is and can effectively treat the skin without being overly ag-
exactly what I receive every month when I go in for my gressive or using potentially harmful treatments.” Rhonda
facial. Being tied to my cell phone every hour of the day Parshall from ‘A Touch of Clover’ also states that “a derma-
now, my monthly facial provides me with the only period tologist is best utilized to treat more serious skin conditions, San Diego Woman
of time when I can truly turn off my cell phone and feel such as skin cancer, severe hyper-pigmentation, and chron-
relaxed. ic cystic acne.” For someone with major skin problems,
they should probably visit a dermatologist at least once or
twice a year, but in general everyone should probably visit 11
Why Get Your Man a Facial? an esthetician at least once a month or so.
He’ll thank you for it later in life, especially if it helps to moti-
vate him to pursue regular skin care. One widely unknown The Direct Benefits that Facials
fact about us men, regardless of what we say, is that the
moment we realize that we are no longer “spring chickens,” Provide for Men
it hits us just as hard as it does women. Another reason
is that the process allows us to receive sound advice from
educated and trained skin care professionals rather than In general, the shaving process tends to help exfoliate part
from celebrities pushing over-the-counter products on TV. of the facial area for men on a regular basis. However, this
Estheticians help determine appropriate skin care products process only works on part of the face, and it’s not usually
for your skin type, and can recommend products that won’t the part of the face that shows aging early on. Rhonda
be harmful to your skin. Over-the-counter salespeople at Parshall explains that “facials provide exfoliation all over the
the mall often have no formal skin care training other than face” and that “facials help remove the natural oil (sebum)
the sales pitch that their vendor has provided for them to that men tend to produce on a greater scale than women,
memorize. Using the wrong products can sometimes prove which can clog pores often resulting in blackheads.” Fa-
disastrous for your appearance. cials also help to hydrate and “calm the skin,” which helps
to prevent razor bumps. In general, facials are merely pe-
riodic parent treatments for skin care that help accentuate
What He Can Expect the skin care regimen we should be performing regularly on
our own. This helps give our skin a better and more vibrant
The going price for a 1-hour facial ranges from $75-$125 appearance, which in turn makes us feel better.
depending on the location. Shorter facials are also avail-
March/April 2008