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Donna Hulme
From designing computer
Robin Dohrn-Simpson systems for a major agricul- Lisa K Miller
Robin is a freelance writer living ture firm, managing computer Photography by Lisa K
in San Diego. She has had her programmers for a chip giant, Lisa is the owner of Photogra-
travel articles published online to writing projects pertaining to phy by Lisa K a custom portrait
in e-zines. When not sitting at governmental requirements in studio located in Rancho
Robert Tussey Karen Kripalani her desk she can usually be the soggy Northwest, Donna Penasquitos, specializing in
has had a fun and varied ca-
Robert Tussey has been a Karen Kripalani’s adven- found exploring the corners of reer. She is the recipient of an the highest quality portraiture.
As the mother of twins, Lisa
published writer for over thirty tures as a travel writer San Diego. Her passions include academic scholarship and nu- shines at capturing moments in
years and has been providing and photographer have writing, going on adventures and merous career related awards. pregnancy and early life. She
editing services for the past taken her all around the scrapbooking. She has been an avid volunteer HOT shares her talents with many
twenty-five. As a musician he globe, from galloping and fundraiser, and has been
has written scores of songs. camelback through the an advocate for the prevention local charities by volunteering
her photographic services.
His life has revolved around desert to the pyramids of of child abuse. She also
his music and writing, often Egypt, to living deep in belongs to a philanthropic
melding the two into articles the rainforests of Borneo sorority that promotes college P
and interviews. with a tribe of headhunt- education for women. In addi-
ers. She is a national tion to her writing, she is cur-
television spokesperson rently working on two patents.
and representative for
Canon Cameras and has
done work for National
Geographic’s TV show
For more info visit www.
Jack Doxey
Jack Doxey formed Doxey &
Associates Inc in 1991. It is
a San Diego based manage-
ment and consultant company
dedicated to helping companies
Louis Becerra grows and change. San Diego
Louis Becerra is a freelance It has a combined experience of Jennifer L. Sachs Woman
writer currently living in San over sixty years in quality tools,
Diego, CA. He graduated process management, organiza- Jennifer is a freelance writer
from the U.S. Naval Academy tional change and instructional and dietitian at the University of
in Annapolis, MD in 1998, with design. California San Diego Medical
a Bachelor of Science Degree In February of 2004, Jack joined Center. She has been providing 5
in English. He spent several ranks with Dr. Kathleen Jensen nutrition counseling to people
years as an officer in the U.S. and Dr. Karla Jensen and formed of all ages for nearly 10 years.
Navy, and is a veteran of Deborah D. Lazear The Doxey & Jensen Group. Prior She loves to travel with her
Operations Iraqi Freedom and to owning his own company, Jack husband and when at home,
Enduring Freedom. Louis Author and teacher of was the Training Manager in the bike through San Diego’s
received his Master of Science wine studies for over Quality Assurance department of beautiful neighborhoods.
Degree in Global Leadership 15 years, Deborah’s the Hewlett Packard Company.
from the University of San background and her
Diego in 2005. Certified Specialist of
Wine designation, makes
her more than just a
“foodie” who loves wine!
Having taught wine
appreciation, wine and
food pairing, and written
curriculum for San Diego
State U. Business of
Wine certificate program,
she is no stranger to Jaime Victoria
peaking people’s interest Jaime is a music enthusiast
in exploring wine. Her whose favorite genres include
no frills approach and jazz vocals, and classical Brandon LeValley
practical advice for the Marilyn Taylor crossover. She has plans to Brandon LeValley owns a home in
everyday (or wanna be) Marilyn was born and raised in pursue a degree in journalism Rancho Bernardo where he lives with
wine drinker has drawn and media. She is a freelance his wife and daughter. He manages
Siobhan Malany audiences to say “This San Diego. She gives seminars writer, who takes every the Thomasville Home Furnishings
on search marketing and man-
Siobhan is a scientist and sci- woman has demystified ages search marketing projects opportunity to write about store in San Marcos and has worked
ence writer in the San Diego wine for me. I shop with for companies on a freelance the subject she loves. Jaime in the furniture business for the past
community. She works as a confidence now”. The basis working with a team of resides with her family in 22 years. He is a graduate of Wash-
cell biologist in the biotechnol- Wall Street Journal wine programmers and writers. Marilyn Rancho Bernardo, California. ington State University and enjoys
ogy industry. She is also a columnists D.Gaiter and is a single mom to five children, photography and spending time with
writer and editor of the online J. Brecher have three one girl and four boys, ranging his family at the beach. He’s written
newsletter for the Association times published her wine in age from 24 down to 12, and extensive sales training for his staff
of Women in Science San and food pairing menus. is the proud grandma to a three and is currently completing his first
Diego Chapter, and currently year old. novel.
serves on the board.
March/April 2008