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The Grammys Go Retro
By Jaime Victoria
The 50’s are alive again! On February 10th the this fact as he won album of the year for “River: The Joni
Grammys honored crooners of the past with Letters”. This was only the 2nd time in Grammy history
such heart-pounding performances as Alicia that album of the year was given to a jazz artist. After his
win Herbie reiterated his success by saying, “You know it’s
Keys and Frank been 43 years since the
Sinatra, Kid Rock first and only time that a
and Keely Smith, and jazz artist got the album of
Beyonce and Tina the year award…the giants
Turner. upon whose shoulders I
Alicia Keys opened stand, some of whom like
Miles Davis, John Col-
the awards with her trane ... unquestionably
duet of “Learnin’ the deserved the award in
Blues”. The sultry the past. But this is a new
tone of Alicia’s voice day; that proves that the
floated effortlessly impossible can be made
possible.” Finally someone
over the lyrics and whose work is not a prod-
Sinatra’s video per- uct of radio repetition, but
formance blended of talent and skill.
in perfectly with the Although the 50th
piano. Kid Rock and Anniversary Grammys
was definitely among the
50 Keely Smith had a best, some artists were
rougher performance. not honored during the 3
Kid and Keely’s hour show. In a show of
constant joking and blatant disrespect, Michael
talking seemed more Buble, winner of the award
for Best Traditional Pop
awkward then casual. Vocal Album, was given
Kid Rock butchered the Grammy at a pre-show
the song when he ceremony. Buble, who
stumbled on words has sold over 13 million
and uncomfort- albums, has never been
ably swayed next to shown the admiration he
so greatly deserves.
Smith. British songstress, Amy
Winehouse, came out
In an effort to redeem the on top this year with 5
show, the incomparable awards. Performing via
Tina Turner stunned view- satellite, Winehouse was
ers with her class and sex elated after her 5th win
appeal as she blasted being the coveted “ Song
out the infamous “Proud of the Year.” After embrac-
Mary” next to R&B beauty, ing her band, Amy gave
Beyonce. Beyonce and Tina flew across the stage in thanks to her fans and parents who have supported her
skyscraper heels and flashy silver outfits all while bringing through her notorious ups and downs. This year’s show
pizzazz to the well known tune. Aretha Franklin may have was unforgettable with such memorable performances as
the crown as the queen of soul, but Tina definitely gave her Kanye West’s heart-wrenching “Hey Mama” and Fergie’s
a run for her money. “Finally” featuring John Legend on piano. The Grammy’s
This year’s Grammy Awards featured so many throwbacks definitely delivered with 3 hours of pure entertainment and
that for once the awards weren’t about pop culture, but acts that will go down in history.
about genuinely exceptional music. Herbie Hancock proved
March/April 2008