Page 47 - Anna Doxie first new format
P. 47
As is in the Old World, world notion of terroir: Choose the right grape varieties,
the vintage is an im- focus on fewer varieties per vineyard, and produce better
portant guide to quality quality from each vineyard.
and age ability. For
example, 2003 was South African wines in the US$10-$20 per bottle range
declared the best Cape are giving Australia and Chile a run for their money! We
vintage of the decade global wine drinkers just can’t lose and neither can the wine
by Decanter maga- makers, just ask Charles Back of Fairview, Spice Route,
zine, ready for drinking and the widely available Goats do Roam fame. So, go to
2009-2014. The 2004 the Cape Wine country. Travel to all three regions to expe-
on the other hand had rience for yourself time past and time present but mostly
imperfect conditions, time future.
careful selection is in
order; drink in 5 to 8
years. This reminds Tasting Notes & Food Pairing Suggestion:
me of Bordeaux caveat
emptor. Yet, unlike The GOATFATHER
Bordeaux, many of Vintage 2005
the wines of South W.O. Coastal Region
Africa are crafted to be 14.5% alcohol
consumed young, 3-5 The Goats do Roam Wine Company, Paarl, South Africa
years, just like in the $15 US
New World. Even the (No varietals were listed on the bottle; therefore the wine
most intense syrahs may be made of many grape varietals. The only mention is
are very fruit driven. on the back label “… always includes a selection of Italian
It seems waiting is a varietals”.)
luxury commodity!
Sight: ruby red leaning towards the purple (no visible blue
The Wine and Spirit tint) (no orange oxidation), medium density, clean even
Board, in 1973, created a quality control system called color all the way to the rim, high alcohol.
the Wine of Origin classification system. Much like the
New World system, it is place-driven. Distinct areas Smell: blackberry, black plums, boysenberry, tar, leather, San Diego Woman
for wine production are named. Unlike the Old World, bacon, white pepper, smoke, spice.
the restrictions on grape variety, methods of farming,
and irrigation and others are not restricted, leaving Taste: black and red fruits, black olive, clove, cinnamon.
wine makers with much flexibility and a creative outlet. 47
There are 5 broad Regions, 22 smaller Districts, and Overall Impression: Medium tannin, high acid, medium
56 even smaller Wards. If the grape is named on the spicy finish, touches of oak for smoothness, complex
label, 85% of the grapes must be of that variety. If the flavors, and medium heat from the alcohol content. A food
vintage is listed, 85% of the grapes must come from friendly wine, bring to 60 to 65 degrees Fahrenheit before
that vintage, and if the area is names (such as Fran- serving. This wine will be popular in the United States as it
schhoek) grapes must come from that area only. The reminds one of California’s Zinfandel (aka Primitivo in Italy)
penalty for not measuring up to regular inspection is blended with the Rhone Varietals such as syrah (Shiraz)
no exportation rights! which are popular in the Central Coast of California.
The labels fall into two categories. The first is the Old Food Pairing; Not a wine for sipping before a meal, this
World style with classic and subdued script, maybe a wine lends itself to hearty, meaty main courses that have
building or farm, and lots of seals of award winnings. The some acid such as tomatoes or goat cheese. A walk on the
second is a New World style, play on words (The Goatfa- wild side would be to serve ostrich schnitzel with a mush-
ther), pictures of animals, or fables such as the Storyteller room sauce. For the more conservative, a lamb shepherd’s
line. These attract the attention of a visually overloaded pie, meat laced with coriander or cumin for smokiness, a
public viewing a shelf of overstocked wines all vying for our little goat’s cheese for acid folded into the potato topping.
attention. Let’s not forget the BBQ; grilled spicy sausages with a
tomato coulis and lots of crusty bread.
All bets are on for Syrah/Shiraz to be the shining star that
leads both old and new world lovers to reach for South “Wines of South Africa (WOSA) Stellenbosch, South Africa
African wines. Columella and Boekenhoutskloof may just
be the next cult wines giving California something to think
about. The future for South African wines lies in the old
March/April 2008.Vol I