Page 42 - Anna Doxie first new format
P. 42

A Magnificent Rebirth in New York City

      By Jack Doxey

     I just came back from a wonderful vacation in New York    counter some hard times if we can believe the foreboding
     City.  I’m convinced that you could visit New York City every  forecasts of the future of our economy.
     day for the next five years and still not see everything that it
     has to offer. The food is spectacular,
     not to mention the breathtaking
     architecture of the buildings.

     However the attraction that abso-
     lutely transfixed me was ground
     zero which is the original site of
     the Twin Towers. As we all know
     both these towers came down in
     a most dramatic and sad fashion
     by terrorists on September 11th
     2001. When I visited the site I was
     immediately struck by the colossal
     size of the cavity left in the ground.
     Sixteen acres are currently under
     construction and it will probably
     prove to be one of the most com-
     plex engineering feats this big city
     has ever encountered. The excava-
     tion and laying of the foundation is
     proceeding as we speak.
     In its place will be constructed
     Freedom Tower. The artist’s ren-

     derings are breathtaking, and when
     completed will be awe inspiring.

     It will consist of five buildings and
     the estimated cost for the Free-
     dom Tower alone will be in excess

     of two billion dollars. It will soar
     1776 feet. The height matches

     the date of our countries declara-
     tion of independence. This was not
     mere coincidence.
                                                               However, we can all take heart from what is being accom-
     This huge undertaking is scheduled to be completed in     plished in New York against incredible obstacles. Rising like
     2011 and this might even be overly optimistic. The people   a phoenix from the ashes we will produce Freedom Tower
     of New York have been very critical of some of the designs   accompanied by magnificently beautiful memorials dedicat-
     and the actual excavation has been plagued by almost      ed to the people who gave their lives on that fateful day.
     insurmountable obstacles. However the architects and the
     builders continue with an undaunted optimism.             With this inspiration and in spite of all forecasts we can all
                                                               take heart and look forward, with renewed optimism and
     The year 2008 for our country will also contain some      courage, toward 2008 and forward.
     daunting obstacles. Large and small businesses will en-

                                                     March/April 2008
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