Page 50 - Tonilee & Bobbye Social Media Special Edition Oct Nov 2011 (1)
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Palliative Care, Easing the Pain
Most of us may have never heard of the term “Palliative Care,” large hospitals nationwide offer some form of palliative care,
but recent studies show that it is an approach to care that but there are outside agencies that offer this service as well.
everyone needs to know exists. Often Palliative Care is associ- LightBridge Medical Associates (LBMA) is one of these orga-
ated with Hospice, and therefore end of life options. In reality, nizations that provide this program to individuals throughout
Palliative Care is not only for the terminally ill, but it can be a San Diego. This specialty physician group provides palliative
Godsend for individuals suffering serious illnesses. A recent care consultations and support to individuals in a variety of
USA Today article referred to Palliative Care as a little known settings – hospitals, skilled nursing facilities, assisting living
program which can not only help prolong life, but also reduce facilities and even in their own homes. “It helps guide the
suffering for many Americans who are struggling with serious patient and their families through the often complex path of
illnesses. a serious illness from as early as the time of diagnosis to the
end of life” explains Emmet
W. Lee, MD, FAAHPM, and
board certified in Hospice
and Palliative Medicine.
Often patients don’t know
about Palliative Care, or if
they do, feel it is only one
step away from Hospice
care and the admission
that their lives are coming
to an end. This is not true
and the earlier a patient
seeks this type of treat-
ment the better chance
they have for survival.
Palliative Care helps to
50 bring comfort and support
to individuals during their
treatment. It is, however,
often necessary for the pa-
tients to request palliative
care and in order to do so
they must be familiar with
what this form of treatment
offers them.
LBMA offers the chance
for patients and families
to sit down with a physi-
What is Palliative Care? Palliative care (from the Latin Palliare, cian to explore options of care as well as to be evaluated
to cloak) is a specialized area of healthcare that focuses on for symptoms of disease to be palliated. “LBMA physicians
relieving and often preventing suffering for patients diagnosed and nurse practitioners have the time and expertise to man-
with serious and often debilitating diseases. In contrast to age these lengthy and complex conversations and they can
hospice care, palliative medicine is appropriate for patients in provide those consultations in the privacy and comfort of
all stages of disease, including those which are curable, those one’s own home. We work collaboratively with the individuals’
living with chronic diseases, and even those approaching the primary care providers to maximize the opportunity for a better
end of life. outcome. Palliative Care is appropriate at any age and at any
The primary goal is to formulate a care plan to relieve suffering stage in a serious illness and can be provided together with
in all areas of a patient’s life. Addressed by this team are the curative treatment.” says Dr. Lee.
physical, emotional, spiritual, and social concerns that often In some cases the issue of cost is brought up in regards to
arise with advanced illness. Palliative Care. LightBridge Medical Associates bills for their
A study of 151 patients published last summer in the New Eng- services as physician consults. Medicare, Medi-Cal and many
land Journal of Medicine made some very important points in insurance companies provide this type of coverage.
regard to Palliative Care. It was shown that when lung cancer Palliative Care also provides help and support to the caregiver
patients received this care they lived an average of 3 months and family. Just knowing that the patient is being made com-
longer, compared to those receiving only standard care. Other fortable through their treatment is a relief to the patient’s loved
findings proved that Palliative care not only allowed patients to ones. If you would like additional information on Palliative
live longer it also helped them to live better with less incidents Care please contact LightBridge Medical Associates at 858 458
of depression and a higher quality of life. 2992.
Studies show that patients treated in this manner, with a focus
on relieving suffering, rather than living longer actually did
outlive those receiving standard care. Currently about 80% of