Page 12 - Kimberly Hunt and daughter
P. 12

Kimberly  Hunt

                                                                                             By Judith A. Habert
                                         Making A Difference                               Photos : Lisa K. Miller

                                                             she watched her Dad work; so much so that she briefly
     We often look at objects of beauty and simply admire them   wanted to be an investigator. and then thought about want-
     for what we see, without delving any deeper into what lies   ing to get married and have a family so she decided being a
     beneath.  If we do take the time to examine them further, we   reporter would probably be the best choice for her.
     often find that what lies beneath is as beautiful.  I can hon-  Once the seed was planted Kimberly ran with the idea,
     estly say that this is indeed the case with Channel 10 News   researching colleges until she happened upon the perfect
     anchor Kimberly Hunt.                                                                     program.  Kimberly
     I was lucky enough to                                                                      decided to attend
     have spent some time                                                                       San Francisco State
     with her recently to get to                                                                University where
     know one of the women                                                                      she would major in
     behind the face of our                                                                     broadcast journal-
     daily evening newscasts.                                                                   ism.  She had heard
     We met in the unassum-                                                                     wonderful things
     ing cafeteria of Channel                                                                   about their pro-
     10 studios in San Diego to                                                                 gram and was not
     chat about life, love and                                                                  disappointed in her
     career as a member of                                                                      choice.  There was a
     the longest running                                                                        television station on
     Female News Anchor                                                                         campus which broad-
     team in the country.                                                                       cast news five days
     Kimberly Hunt and Carol                                                                    a week, Kimberly
     Lebeau have been the                                                                       quickly found her
 12  standard in news in San                                                                    niche and settled in
     Diego for the past two                                                                     to learn all she could
     decades.  What happens                                                                     about the field she
     outside the studio when                                                                    loved.  As Kimberly
     the cameras are off?  Is                                                                   stated, “One of the
     life as glamorous as it                                                                    things I loved most
     appears?  Of course there                                                                  about the program
     are guest appearances,                                                                     was that our advisor
     meetings with celebrities                                                                  was straight out of
     and hob knobbing with                                                                      the NBC affiliate in
     the San Diego elite,  but                                                                  San Francisco and
     at the base of it all is a                                                                 he ran the newsroom
     woman who believes that                                                                    on campus as he did
     her celebrity should be                                                                    in real life.  So we all
     used to give back, not                                                                     learned every aspect
     only to our community but                                                                  of the profession.
     to charities around the                                                                    Our jobs changed
     world.                                                                                     frequently allowing all
     Kimberly grew up in the                                                                    of us to get experi-
     Napa Valley and at the                                                                     ence as reporters,
     age of 15 had already                                                                      directors, producers,
     mapped out her future                                                                      camera operators,
     career goals.  She knew                                                                    editors and on air
     from this young age that                                                                   news personalities.
     she wanted to become a                                                                     By the time I graduat-
     news reporter.  The initial                                                                ed I had done it all.”
     interest came from her
     father, even though he wasn’t in the news field.  Kimberly’s    Kimberly didn’t wait to graduate to get her feet wet in the
     Dad was an officer for the California Highway Patrol.  When   industry.   It was only her second year in college when she
     Dad came home at night his briefcase would be full of reports   earned an internship at the San Francisco CNN bureau as an
     of events that happened each day.  It fascinated her when   assignment editor.  Along with classes,
                                                  Issue 1, 2009
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