Page 14 - Kimberly Hunt and daughter
P. 14

Kimberly  Hunt

    Billy Ray would come into the studios once a week to be on   back to a community that has embraced her.  She started out
    air with Channel 10 sportscasters to discuss the Chargers.   locally finding time to dedicate to many charities focusing on
    He would pass by Kimberly, give her a friendly hi and a wave   issues involving children, women, and law enforcement.  One
    but that was as far as it went.  During one of these visits   of her most passionate causes is the 11-99 Foundation which
    Carol asked me, “Hey Kimberly, what about Billy Ray, have   raises money for the families of fallen officers killed in the line
    you ever thought about him.”   And Kimberly replied, “He’s a   of duty.  This is a cause close to her heart since her father
    really nice guy, an incredibly nice guy, but he has never even   was a 30 year veteran of the California Highway Patrol and
    remotely acted like he wanted to ask me out.”  Carol decided   even more so,  having lost her  grandfather, a police officer,
    to play match maker to her dear friend and approached Billy   in the line of duty.  Kimberly quickly adds, “That organization
    Ray, asking him the same question and dropping a sugges-  is near and dear to my heart.  We owe these men and wom-
    tion that maybe he                                                                       en in law enforcement a
    should think about                                                                       huge debt of gratitude.”
    asking Kimberly
    out.   This little nudge                                                                 This is another thing that
    from Carol was all he                                                                    Kimberly and Billy Ray
    needed and soon af-                                                                      have in common; he too
    ter he called and invit-                                                                 has many charities with
    ed Kimberly to lunch.                                                                    which he is involved.
    They never stopped                                                                       One of his favorite is the
    dating from that                                                                         Wounded Warriors of
    lunch on, and after                                                                      Camp Pendleton.   He
    two years they were                                                                      has a foundation and he
    married.  Billy Ray                                                                      raises a lot of money that
 14  played professional                                                                     goes for local military.
    football, following in                                                                   With two parents so
    his father’s footsteps,                                                                  deeply involved in giving
    for three additional                                                                     back to the community,
    years and today also                                                                     it is no wonder that the
    finds himself on air as                                                                  trait has also rubbed off
    a sportscaster. They                                                                     on Savannah.  At a very
    live in a beautiful                                                                      early age she learned
    home in San Diego                                                                        the importance of help-
    with their 16 year old                                                                   ing those who need
    daughter Savannah.                                                                       assistance. As Kimberly
    One would think with                                                                     states, “In the past few
    the busy schedule of                                                                     years I decided that I
    a news anchor and                                                                        wanted to do more. I
    a family life, full of                                                                   wanted to keep support-
    volleyball games and                                                                     ing the local charities,
    family and business                                                                      but I also wanted to look
    events, that there                                                                       outside my community.
    would be little time for                                                                 And the fact that I had a
    the lady behind the                                                                      teenager  made it impor-
    news desk to venture                                                                     tant to me that I teach her
    beyond her daily du-                                                                     about the world around
    ties.  This is furthest                                                                  her and that we need to
    from the truth when                                                                      help those in need.”  As
    it comes to Kimberly                                                                     a result, Savannah now
    Hunt.  Not only has she embraced numerous local and inter-  has her own charity that helps refugees, that she works with
    national charities, she has passed the passion on to her 16   through the International Rescue Committee here in San Di-
    year old daughter Savannah who at this tender young age   ego In addition she is a young ambassador for “Opportunity
    already has her own charity which she works at feverishly   International.”  Both Kimberly and her daughter are involved
    to help make a difference. Together they are doing just that.    with this charity.
    Several years ago Kimberly decided that she needed to give
                                                Issue 1, 2009
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