Page 18 - Kimberly Hunt and daughter
P. 18
Why Not Date a Younger Man?
By Marilyn Taylor
The younger man - older woman relationship is becom- Age is a much less important factor than the common
ing more common. According to a study conducted by an interests of the couple. Chronological age doesn't always
online dating site this past year of 70,000 women daters over match a person’s physical capability or emotional maturity.
35 more than 45% of the women It also has a lot to do with attitude
showed interest in men at least 5 about your age, so just forget about
years younger. Years before, anoth- the age factor and live life. You are
er survey of women over 40 showed beautiful at whatever age you are
that out of 5,000 women 40% dated and younger men think so too.
men who were 10 or more years
younger than themselves. If you are uncertain about dating
someone younger than you, think in
More men are dating older women the terms that you will be better off if
because they feel the women are you forget about the age difference
more self-assured and tend to be and concentrate on whether the
more settled and successful in their relationship works for both of you,
careers. Men value independence or not. What really makes a relation-
in women and are more likely to find ship succeed is not just the romantic,
that in an older woman. emotional and physical connection
but also the ability to effectively
Women love to be active and young- communicate with each other. Think
er men satisfy that need for women. about how you are enhancing your
Some older women feel younger possibilities for finding “Mr. Wonder-
than their contemporaries and like ful” by expanding your age range to
to date people who are as active 15 years younger (even more if you
18 as they are. It has been my experi- like) than yourself instead of just fo-
ence men my age and older do not
cusing on looking for someone who
have the same level of energy or is older.
interest in the same activities that I
do. I turned 50 in November, and In the end, it is all about you and
my boyfriend is 33. He keeps me your happiness, you have been tak-
from working too much, which in turn, ing care of every one else your whole
gives me more time to travel and experience things in life I life, don’t you think it is time for you to take care of yourself?
never thought I would. Take a risk in finding the right man. I guarantee it is worth
the risk.
Too many people compromise when looking for a partner
based on what they have been told all of their life. Most If you are interested in asking me more questions about
women are not told when they are growing up “When you Older Women Dating Younger Men or just dating in general
are in your 40’s it is ok to date a man in their 20’s or 30’s.” visit and join the site by
We are told to be conservative and not to take risks when it adding a free profile and visiting the advice/FAQ page or
comes to relationships. Success in any relationship depends email me at
on what common ground and motivations you share.
The Amgen Tour VisiTs rAncho BernArdo
The Amgen Tour of California is the largest cycling event in North America and this year marks the first time it will be
coming through San Diego. The race, February 22nd, will start in Rancho Bernardo where there will be a Health and
Wellness experience from 9am – 2pm and end in Escondido where a similar festival will take place. There will be food
and wellness vendors, a kids zone, music, an autograph alley, and a great all around opportunity to see the top competi-
tors in the sport compete on the final race day. For more information, visit See you in Rancho
Bernardo February 22nd, 9am – 2pm.
Issue 1, 2009