Page 22 - Kimberly Hunt and daughter
P. 22
Looking Younger For Less
By Judith A. Habert
In these tough economic times many of us have been forced renowned plastic surgeon Dr. Stuart Kincaid to obtain his
to give up numerous indulgences. There is one indulgence insight on this matter. “Keep in mind that Botox injections are
that many women are still unwilling to give up, and that is put into the facial muscles. By going to a trained physician
beauty. The question becomes, “What price beauty?” When for this treatment you are visiting someone highly trained
considering how we can best utilize the money we have at on the location of facial muscles, (from facelift experience)
our disposal, we often have to weigh what is most important proper injection into them and how they react” As Dr. Kincaid
and how to get the results we want for what we can afford. shared with me, “Many of the spas who offer these treat-
Often times, when we look ments have the procedure
in the mirror, we find our administered by some-
moms looking back at us, one who took a weekend
and wonder when did this course at a local hotel,
happen? Although we not an individual trained
often question where the for years in anatomy.” Is
time went, we all want to the cost higher to have a
do what we can to retain trained physician adminis-
a youthful appearance. ter the treatment? Not nec-
The time comes when we essarily, the price charged
start to realize that maybe to have a certified physi-
we should consider some cian provide the service is
surgical intervention to get often the same as getting
back the youth that we the treatment from a spa.
find slipping away. Un- If a spa offers an incredibly
fortunately, facelifts and low price for this procedure,
liposuction can be costly, be weary: often a typical
and with current economic bottle of Botox medication,
22 conditions many of us meant to provide several
realize that the cost is pro- patient treatments, is dilut-
hibitive. There are how- ed so much that the patient
ever, some less expensive is getting a significantly
answers to help maintain inferior product injected into
our youthful appearances. their face, or it may even
Many plastic surgeons and be expired medication.
medical spas are offering Typical Botox injections last
treatments such as Bo- from 3-5 months. If a pa-
tox and Chemical Peels tient only gets 1-2 months
to help give us back that worth of benefit from a
youthful glow. This past treatment, chances are that
year alone in our country the Botox has been severe-
approximately 450,000 ly diluted or is out of date,
breast augmentations or improperly injected. We
and 450,000 liposuctions asked Dr. Kincaid What
were performed - but there would happen if an unquali-
were over 4.5 million Botox fied individual provides the
injections. In a time when we can least afford high cost pro- service. “If injected incorrectly the outcome could be very
cedures and extensive time away from those precarious jobs, unpleasant. By paralyzing eye lid muscles you could end up
many women have decided to give Botox and chemical peels with a droopy look which can also lead to eye irritation and
a try. Certainly, the results are less obvious and shorter infection. If brows, face or lips are incorrectly treated you
lived, but these procedures can help us to feel better about could get an unnatural look that you may be forced to live
how we look until our financial situation improves and we can with for several months.”
get the full face lift that we really need - or simply want. Additionally, If you are considering this type of procedure
With so many facilities offering these less invasive proce- take some time to thoroughly review the type of products and
dures, why would you go to a plastic surgeon and not just realistic expected results, so you can be well informed before
a spa to receive these treatments? We caught up with you seek treatment.
Issue 1, 2009