Page 26 - Kimberly Hunt and daughter
P. 26

Bitchin’ & Moaning

                             Tabloid Terrorism                                            By Judith A. Habert

     Okay, I admit it, I am a tabloid junkie.  Part of it is an occupa-  and while I am on this topic, have you seen what they are re-
     tional hazard:  I love magazines of all kinds.  I am as likely to   ferring to as a baby bump these days? If a Hollywood starlet
     pick up a Time magazine as I am a People magazine.  I don’t  has internal organs it is suggested that she is in a family way.
     only read them, I study them.  I look at the advertisers, I look   The obvious arrow that they point at the tiny non-existent
     at the design and layout, and of course I look at the content.    bump is supposed to make you see something that is not
     I have picked up                                                                        there.  I have stared at
     magazines while                                                                         the bump and studied
     waiting for a haircut                                                                   it like a Rorschach test,
     that took me until                                                                      but to no avail.  There is
     page 107 before                                                                         nothing there!
     there was any                                                                           Okay, so the lies do
     editorial content at                                                                    bother me and in many
     all.  Part of me is                                                                     cases they have terror-
     envious due to the                                                                      ized my children.  I can
     high incomes these                                                                      remember my oldest
     magazines must                                                                          daughter who was about
     be receiving. The                                                                       5 at the time, staring up
     other part is ap-                                                                       at a tabloid at the news-
     palled that a maga-                                                                     stand which claimed in
     zine would have                                                                         large green letters, “Eat-
     its readers ruffle                                                                      ing too many vegetables
     through 107 pages                                                                       makes girl turn green”
 26  of advertising be-                                                                      It took me months to
                                                                                             get her to consume a
     fore they get any-
     thing to read.  No                                                                      single green vegetable
     matter what town                                                                        again.  One of my other
     I am in, or what                                                                        favorites was when a
     neighborhood,                                                                           famous politician’s wife
     my first impulse                                                                        was accused of carry-
     is to find the local                                                                    ing on an illicit affair with
     newspaper and                                                                           an alien.  I must admit
     magazine to keep                                                                        things have calmed down
     abreast of what is                                                                      a bit and I rarely see the
     going on around                                                                         alien or green people
     me.  I do suppose                                                                       on the tabloid covers
     butchers are very                                                                       these days, but the ones
     cognoscente of                                                                          with conflicting reports
     the steaks they are                                                                     about celebrity love lives
     served at restaurants, and hairstylists can’t help but com-  continue to thrive.  Yet, I continue to buy them.  I continue
     ment on the hairdos of those they meet, so for a magazine   to read about every celebrity marriage, love affair or baby.
     publisher to read every magazine she comes in contact with   Whose dress looked best at the Golden Globes, what de-
     appears somewhat normal.  At least that’s my excuse and   signers did they wear and what were they thinking?  I know
     I’m sticking to it!                                     a lot of it, or I correct myself, most of it is fabricated, but yet I
     It has happened though, something I feared over the years: I   continue reading.  So I have concluded that it is truly tabloid
     have become an addict.  What am I addicted to?  Magazines   terrorism which focuses on the fear to not be totally informed
     in general, tabloids to be specific.  My trip to the supermarket   about everyone who is famous.  What diet are they on, how
     is not complete unless I pick up one of these magazines.  I   do they stay so slim and what exercises they do is never far
     think it is the headlines that attract my attention, or perhaps   from my consciousness.  They have taken control of me and
     the desire to find out how the publishers could have the   I fear I may never pass through the supermarket lines again
     sheer audacity to print such obvious lies.  When you stand   without a tabloid in hand.  I suppose as long as I know that
     there and read about the hottest stars on two different maga-  what is on the pages of these tabloids isn’t all true I am okay
     zines and on one they are on the brink of divorce, while on   to continue with my addiction without making apologies.  I
     the other they are suggesting that a baby bump is visible and   guess it could be worse. My career related addiction could
     they are happily awaiting their love child.  So which is it?  Oh,  be a lot more uncomfortable if I was a funeral director.
                                                 Issue 1, 2009
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