Page 28 - Kimberly Hunt and daughter
P. 28
Traveling With Teens
By Diane Garner (
Those of you who’ve been reading “Traveling with Teens” “Show me the money” philosophy.
since its inception know that I occasionally wax philosophi- Does this scenario sound familiar? You’re at the mall with
cal instead of discussing a specific travel destination. I’ve your teen. He wants to buy a video game. If you agree to
been known to espouse my philosophies on independence, buy the game, it’s a done deal. However, if you refuse to buy
trip failures, and electronic teensitters. Similarly, this month’s it and suggest that the teen buy it himself, there’s a strong
column will not take you to some exotic location with your possibility he’ll change his mind about how badly he wants
teenager, but it may help you afford your next trip in today’s the game. A teenager is always more reluctant to spend his
tough economic money than
times. yours.
Before you This same
head off on reluctance
another trip will ap-
with your ply to a
teen I want Vacation
to discuss a Allowance.
topic that is All those
near and dear snacks,
to all of us: rides, and
Money! For souvenirs
most families, that were
there’s just necessi-
28 never enough ties when
of it. And this
shortage can by the par-
really take a ents, now
toll on your become
vacation— nonessen-
maybe even tials if the
cancel it. With teen has
airfare (espe- to pay for
cially if you them. Ob-
splurge and viously, I’m
take along referring to
a suitcase discretion-
or two) and ary spend-
every other ing. Sorry,
travel expense rocketing into the stratosphere, your family’s parents! You’re still on the hook for the big stuff.
vacation budget is probably stretched thin.
The good news is that you’ve put your teenager on a budget.
Let’s face it: Teens are expensive. Am I preachin’ to the She must decide how to spend the money you’ve given her.
choir? Take that money-pit teenager on a trip, and the Warning: Parents must be strong to resist the pleas for more
problem is magnified. More money for food, higher priced money when the initial wad has been spent. Be prepared for
entertainment, separate hotel rooms. Yikes! Where does it major teen ATTITUDE!
end? The extra costs can easily get out of control; but, on the
other hand, saying no too often can be a real buzzkill for both Determining the amount and timing of the Vacation Allow-
parent and teen. ance is a very personal thing. Parents must decide what
amount fits into the overall vacation budget. And timing can
So, how do you provide the money for your teenager’s vaca- be tricky. If you have a teen with a great deal of self-control
tion pleasures while keeping a lid on it? and money management sense, an allowance given up front
for the entire trip may be appropriate. On the other hand, a
Simple. You make them responsible for it. Okay, so maybe less restrained teen may have difficulty managing even a
it’s not that simple, but consider this the foundation for the daily allowance.
Issue 1, 2009