Page 19 - Kimberly Hunt and daughter
P. 19
Business Matters
Exceeding Customers’ Expectations
By Jack Doxey
I grew up in New York City and one of the things I miss most our customers. How do we do that? How do we get to a
are the delicious bagels you can get at almost any small point where we have an obsession with creating a positive
coffee shop throughout Manhattan. Their product is excel- image with our customer?
lent but many times the service does not match the quality
of their product. They tend to ignore their customers and Here are a few things to consider when dealing with
convey an attitude of “You’re lucky I even wait on you.” I customers:
don’t mean to imply that product quality and service are non
existent in New York, but sometimes it is in short supply. 1. Try to anticipate customer’s needs and expectations and
then go about not only meeting them but consistently ex-
Much to my delight, I ceeding them.
found a bagel shop, (Brue-
gger’s Bagels in Carmel
Mountain) that makes 2. Provide a level of service
delicious bagels and their that separates you from
service is excellent. The your competition. Keep a
employees strive to be mental image in your mind
courteous and make you that when you finish with
feel welcome. Needless the customer they will be
to say when I want a good so impressed that they will
tasting bagel and, at the brag about you and recom-
same time, a good experi- mend you to their relatives
ence, I go to Brueggers. and friends.
I have recommended
their store to many of my San Diego
friends. 3. Seek out customer Woman
feedback. When you get
Does this all sound famil- a negative response don’t
iar? I’m sure we all have, make excuses: See it as 19
at some time, recom- an opportunity to create a
mended a specific person strong, lasting relationship
or company to friends with the customer.
or, on the negative side,
discouraged someone to
do business with someone 4. Ensure that customers
because of the bad ser- issues are resolved - not to
vice we have received. your satisfaction but to the
customer’s satisfaction. Go
In spite of all our good out of your way to make
efforts, employees and sure the customer is happy.
organizations, on occa-
sions, can drop the ball
when it comes to customer 5. Maintain a positive at-
service. In essence you titude even under difficult
have given the customer situations; even when, in
a problem rather than a your opinion, the customer
positive experience. If you is being unreasonable.
have the right attitude, you
can use this opportunity to
not only correct the situation but in the process build a posi- Please give consideration to these suggestions. Better yet,
tive customer relationship. It’s all a matter of attitude. practice them on your customers and the results will exceed
your expectations.
We should always strive to build positive relationships with
Issue 1, 2009