Page 20 - Kimberly Hunt and daughter
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Winning the Wardrobe War

              How to tame your closet and find the wardrobe you never knew you had

                                                                                    By Joanna Pompilio

     Have a closet full of clothes and nothing to wear? It’s not that   Evaluate the rest of the bits and pieces and categorize them
     you don't have the right clothes – you just can't find them.   using the three R’s: reject, repair and recycle. The reject pile
     Organizing the remains of what once resembled a closet   consists of pieces that are completely unusable and worn to
     should not be seen as a chore, but a foray into creating an   death. Place items that need manageable alterations, like
     entirely new wardrobe out of what is already hidden in that   hems, new buttons or letting out in the repair bin. Remember,
     cluttered mess. Look at                                                                   do not dawdle about
     it as shopping without                                                                    sending these to the
     spending.                                                                                 tailor once the closet’s
                                                                                               facelift is complete,
     To create the ideal closet                                                                that is how new clutter
     it is essential to ruthlessly,                                                            is born.
     but realistically, edit each
     piece of clothing. Start by                                                               Donate anything left-
     going through everything                                                                  over to a charity and
     and take out whatever                                                                     place the rest in the
     has not been worn in the                                                                  recycle box. Pick an
     past two years. If some-                                                                  organization to donate
     thing has not been worn                                                                   to, and learn about it.
     in that time, it’s probably                                                               Read the literature,
     never going to be – so                                                                    check out the web-site
     chuck it!                                                                                 and visit the facility.
     “It depends on your                                                                       Get the kids involved
     shopping habits and how                                                                   too, so they can see
     much space  you have.  If                                                                 the rewards of giving
     you are always shopping                                                                   to others.
 20  and do not have much
     space, we recommend                                                                       Now, the line has
     ‘the switch’ bi-annually                                                                  been drawn between
     to accommodate ample                                                                      the fabulous and the
     closet space for Spring/                                                                  frumpy. This is when
     Summer and Fall/Winter,”                                                                  a new wardrobe starts
     recommends Michelle T.                                                                    to reveal itself and
     Sterling, Principal Im-                                                                   original ensembles
     age Consultant, Founder                                                                   are born. Try new
     Global Image Group.                                                                       combinations of
     “However if you do not                                                                    clothing that previ-
     shop that often and do                                                                    ously were never worn
     not have many clothes,                                                                    together. Experiment!
     then going through your closet every two years to get rid of   This is the fun part! Keep an open mind to ensure nothing is
     unused clothing is fine.”                               ruled out.
     Set aside a few hours and throw on good undergarments. Be
     prepared - have a full length mirror nearby with good lighting   Take outfits that are always worn together, the favorite go-to
     –  maybe even a glass of wine.                          pieces that are worn often, and lay them out on a clean, flat
                                                             surface. Try to mix them with other pieces typically not worn
     Empty out the closet completely and stack all clothing and   together.  Remember, this is the time to play with new looks
     accessories around the room in piles according to the type of   and discover innovative ways to combine pieces and acces-
     garment: jackets, skirts, pants, sweaters, scarves.     sories. The end result will be entirely new outfits and fresh
     Move from pile to pile and try everything on, even the most
     loved and regularly worn pieces. Take a long look in the full   Not sure where or how to begin creating new ensembles?
     length mirror at each item and honestly access not only the   Ask a girlfriend who has great style to come on over and help
     fit but how the garment feels. Do not settle for anything less   out. Next weekend, switch and play wardrobe consultant to
     than complete fabulousness and refuse to keep anything that  her.
     is uncomfortable or unflattering.
                                                    Issue 1, 2009
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